In considering the possible purchase of a new MX'er for later this year, I found myself making the mistake of turning to the monthly magazines for test rides in order to gain some insight on which bike will best suit my needs. I should have known that things haven't changed much since I last ceased being a devoted reader of these things some years ago. Not only do I find contradictions between the different magazines, but in the latest issue of MXA the editors offer a contradictory assessment on the same bike (05 CR125) in the same issue. I am well aware of the reasons behind these misguided, and overly biased accounts, but damn, in the same issue? What new sales trends would surface if there were a dirt bike magazine that offered that same honest and brutal opinion of a dirt bike based product as one would find in a Consumer Report article on automobiles or computer items? The closest we have ever come were the early efforts of Dirt Bike Magazine.