CR250 AutoClutch for Wood Riding?? Anyone?


Jan 13, 2004
I have a '98 CR250 that I use for a variety of terrains, but here in the Pacific Northwest its mostly woods riding. As with most I think, the bike is much better than I am a rider. I have done everything I can to set it up for the woods (Flywheel weight, Clarke Tank, Bark Busters, Side Stand, Etc). Still I have some problems modulating the clutch while going up steep turning inclines; its just too mcuh for my mind to process with the terrain, clutch, line, etc and as you woods riders know stalling on a steep hill is the kiss of death. By the time I muscle the bike around, kick start it and usually go back to the bottom to start over I am exhausted. I recently rode an '04 WR250 and while a little down on power, I felt and was much faster in this terrain. I could lug it more and didn't have to worry about using the clutch near as much. Also If I made an error the E-Start was a nice touch.

I am at a turning point. I either want to try the Rekluse Autoclutch system, or sell the bike and get a 4stroke. Do you think the clutch would make that big of a difference?


Nov 5, 2003
Just put one on my 01 YZ250 and love it. Raced hare scramble with it yesterday and it saved me time and again on the rocky hill climbs and roots. I would definetaly try it. It tracks like a 4 stroke, but you still have the explosive power.


Jan 13, 2004
Thanks for the reply--I think I may give it a try--hopefully it will accomlish what I am looking for..


Sep 23, 2002
CR250 02 Rekluse

Just bought two one for me CR250 02 and one for my son CR125 02. We are both woods riders and race GNCC. We tested it for 3 Days of riding in sand, mudd, up hills and down hills. This is a cool product and works great. The guys at Rekluse are awsome and provide great support.


Mar 22, 2002
Ditto on the Rekluse, this is my third bike (03 yz250, 05 yz250, and 01 cr250) with the clutch. I cannot think of one reason anyone would not like it.
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