
May 24, 2005
Hey guys, I have a 2004 CRF150 right now, I have had it about 9 months now, been to many great places with it, and had fun on it. I have never dropped it or wrecked it, so I guess that says something about the type of rider I am. It is too heavy for my liking, not too heavy to handle just not as flickable as i want it to be. Plus i want more power, more suspension travel, and adjustability etc. etc, the list goes on. I am about 5' 7" and 140lbs. In my search for power I have definetly decided to go 2stroke, plus i like their powerband and exhaust note. I have narrowed it to the CR85R expert or CR125. I know the 125 weighs around 45lbs more than a 85, but i want to know which would be better. On my 150 I am flat footed and have no trouble keepin it up, I have never been track ridin, i almost always trail ride, but where i trail ride i mean there are loads of big area for speed runs, so i doubt i would foul out any plugs, cuz I am the type thats on the gas all the time, like the rest of you i am sure. I'm sure the 125 would scare me enough when i gave it full throttle, but what about the 85? I tend to bottom out the suspension on my 150, from the jumps i do, thats the other reason i want a bigger bike. I also heard its hard to keep teh 85 on the pipe, how bout the 125?

Thanks in advance :)

Agie rider 76

Apr 9, 2005
hey Maxxtrasher
I was in a similar situation about 2 year ago.
If I were you, I'd get the CR125 over the CR85 any day. With your height and weight, 125!!!

The 85 will be crap for most high-speed or big hill trails, because of next to no bottom-end power, and hard to stay-on-pipe powerband.

A 125 doesn't have as much power as you may think, definatly more than your CRF150 though. :)
And, suprisingly most 125's have a bit of bottom end to play with. Easy as to stay in band. Weight is never an issue.

just adding my 5 cents worth
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