
Nov 11, 2003
Today at the track my radiator started leaking, so i took it all apart here at home, can't see a crack anywhere, held it under water and capped the ends, no air bubbles, checked the hoses and they appear fine, there is however one dent by where it is leaking, but it doesn't appear to have punctured anywhere. Any other ideas on how to find this leak? it isn't overflow, it was under the wafers in under an hour on a 55degree day. Thanks for the help.


May 8, 2001
if it is in a corner of the rad then the core probably has a tear. the bad news is most dirt bike rads dont come apart. the good news is that most can be patched by using an epoxy. i take mine to a local radiator shop and he fixes it and pressure tests it for $30.


Nov 11, 2003
I'm confused! I have found a small hairline crack right by where the dripping was, which would be a nice solution except when i cap and pressurize the radiator a hissing sound comes from the top. Let me try and explain this better, the hairline crack is on the bottom section of the left radiator on the outer 1/8th of an inch of the perimeter right by were the radiator has a back-fold up. The hissing sound is coming from the top of the radiator and doesn't need much pressure to begin hissing. However the radiator level was well below the wafers which would make a leak on top impossible, correct?


May 8, 2001
take it to a radiator shop and he can quickly pressure test it. he will put a pressurized hose on one of the rad outlets and plug the other. next, he will put it in the tank and the leak will be revealed. they usually leak on the top inside corner. the tank tears away from the core. the whole thing takes just seconds.

if you put too much pressure 15lbs+ the cap will vent. doesnt take much pressure to find the leak.


Nov 11, 2003
I'm taking it in in a few minutes to get it pressure tested and welded, thanks for the help.
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