
Jun 13, 2006
Looking For A Mini. My Son Sat On Both And Seemed Very Comfortable. Not Sure Which One To Buy. I Assume The 90 Is Faster. Is It? If So, By How Much? Any Suggestions?


Jul 18, 2003
How old is your son? Does he have any experience on a dirtbike? Is he looking to race or play ride? How big is he?

Both are quality bikes and it will be hard to go wrong. We recently had the same decision and my 9yo son chose the CRF70 because he liked red better than blue. He has had a ball on the bike in the short time we've owned it.

Other than the color and the pushbutton start on the 90, they are pretty similar. If he is just looking to playride and if he is comfortable on both, I suggest you just pick a color and take it home.

Don't worry about getting a bike he can grow into; get him a bike he is comfortable on NOW. If you get him a bike that is too big for him in the hopes he will grow into it, he may get scared of it and get turned off from the sport.


Jun 13, 2006
I Ended Up Buying A 2005 Crf70. I Bought It Used In Good Condition With Normal Scratches On The Fenders. I Paid $800. Is That A Good Price?


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
jb800 said:
I Paid $800. Is That A Good Price?

Oh, man! You got robbed!


Just kidding. :)

That's actually really cheap, if the bike is mechanically sound.


Mar 27, 2005
Kids do not need more power when they are learning to ride. My 11.5 YO has made a great transition from her '03 XR 70 (auto) to the manual clutch & trans. XR 80, and is eager to earn a TTR 125 so she can have a blue bike. She is ChadFreak22, after all! I am a Yamaha fan, but I believe Honda's small bike selection is better suited to learning, young riders. :boss:

If things go well, I suggest you start looking for a CRF/XR (same bike) soon because you don't stumble on a great deal like you got on the CRF 70 everyday. :cool:

One complaint, though, of the XR/CRF series, is that the 100 has one of the stiffest clutch pull of any small or even mid-size bike I know of, even though it is similar in every way to the 80. My 14 YO has noticed that both our CRF150 and my YZ125 clutches pull easier than the 100! (Yes, I have lubricated every pivot point and the cable)
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