
Mar 7, 2001
Do you live by Tampa/Croom or is it a drive for you. I think the place is great durning the week when it's not crowded but too far a drive for me except once in a while. But if I didn't have to work I'd think about it.


Apr 3, 2001
what should we do

I would like to set up a DRN/Florida Rider get together so that we can all meet and ride together.

I think Croom would be a great place to do it at, but I am open to suggestions.

If we can get at least 5-10 people that would wana help set something up I will work with ya.


Jun 4, 2001
Yamamoto - see my reply to your reply at Ocala - Are you going to be at Croom all weekend? I'd consider going there on Sat. if you were still going to be there -but, is Croom as busy and overused as I've heard?
I,'ve only been there once, and with no bike! I walked a little, didn't like what I saw. Do the trails get better away from the camping area?


Apr 3, 2001

Every Time I have been to Croom, I have never had any problems.

Rumors are Rumors ...would you like a helicopter ride...lalala

Get in the trails and you will be lucky to see anyone, but ride the road like all the idiots and you will be an idiot.

I do not know why with all the trails at croom all the #$%&*() like to ride the road.

I (from the camping area) ride the road maybe 1/2 mile to get to a good trail then you will not see me again till i am OOG....out of gas!!

Trust me I took my 6 yr old there and he had the time of his life we installed the talkabout 2 way radios on our helmets because I was worried that he may get lost but NOPE.

either croom, ocala whatever ...I would like to get a bunch of DRNers together so that we can have the bomb of all weekends.

P.S. I have camped 13 weeks in a row!!!!

This weekend I am heading to My Secret spot that is just awsome to camp.


Mar 7, 2001
I've never been to Croom on a weekend. My son and I camped there Mid June durning the week and I would say there were a dozen people there total, we had a great time. We would just head off through the trails randomly until we hit a trail we couldn't navigate or found an end to the property then we would head back to the campsite for sports drink and a rest, then do it again. Other than at the riding spots right next to the road we only saw three guys on quads riding togeather and one lone bike in two days. Of course there were the uninformed that kept racing around the camping area, and yes it is posted against it.


Apr 8, 2001
Crooms had a fair number of morons in the pit by area one today. I ride the trails, so it doesn't bother me. The only reason I know this is because some of the guys were complaining. The only problem I had was when some guy in a motorhome parked in front of me and blocked me. He moved when I pointed it out to him...so no biggie.:think

A spodefestive in the Ocala Forest would be a great idea. I've been meaning to get over there and check it out.:cool:

One Dollar

Mar 15, 2001
Well I didn't know there were others on DRN that frequented Crooms. I've been going there for the last 14 years. I'll be game for a DRN meeting. Labor day weekend coming up will be a mad house and would not be good. We should target a date in November through March when it is not so blasted humid.

During those months, me and the family camp almost every weekend. A weekday ride is the best but hard to organize since most of us have jobs :).

Just got my wife a TTR125L and am thinking of going up for a day ride with her and leave junior with the neighbor. We will probably go one day during the (ugh) Labor day weekend. We ride deep in the singletrack trails mostly to stay away from the quads and crowds.


Apr 3, 2001
Lets do it !!!

1 How about a weekend that leads into a mon. and tues. riding, that way eveyone will be happy.

I can take 2 days off if I plan for it.

I am already thinking that I will show up at (Hmmmm) on Friday night and stay till tues. eve. that way anyone who can only be there on weekends can take part as well, and as Mon and Tues. rolls in anyone who wanted weekdays will be happy as well.

Now the area and the Month and day still need to be worked out.

Are you guys with me?


Apr 8, 2001
:D I always ride Crooms on Sunday morning. Usually I'm there between 8:30 and 9:00. That is perfect time to arrive and avoid most of the crowd. Most of the time I stick around til 1ish. Count me in, however it would be interesting to organize a spodefest in the Ocala Forest sometime. ;)

One Dollar

Mar 15, 2001
I have not been able to get out there in the last month because of problems at the house (renovations and repairs). I am going to try and get there this Sunday early, I usually park in the second day area behind the picnic area. Look for my bike (click sig to see pic)

Thanksgiving weekend everyone is off Thur & Fri. but camping spots will be hard to find unless you get there early. I probably will be camping there then.

I would like to go on a weekend were I can camp but going for a day ride is not a problem either as long as it's not on a Sunday the Bucs are playing at home (can't miss a home game :) )


Jul 6, 2001
im up for a drn/croom gathering,i dont like to go to croom on the weekends,i like riden in the 1st pit,i cant trail ride there cause i go there bymyself,im usually at croom on tusdays and fridays,if i must i will


Mar 7, 2001
September 18, Tuesday could be a good day for me to go to Croom. I'll have to convince my wife to let my son take the day off from school, it is an early release day for him anyway. I'll give it a try and let you know.


Apr 8, 2001
I'm going to try and come down on Monday (Labor Day) in the morning. Wish I could get away sooner but there is too much to do. I usually park in area 1 and drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee with a yellow YZ465 trailered. :D

Ocala Forest would be a hoot...but the only days I can get away are Sundays and maybe an occassional Saturday. Working full time really cuts into my play time.


Oh yeah, I'm a trail rider not a racer...so don't use me for a berm.:cool:
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Apr 3, 2001
as the weekend was getting closer, no one made any suggestions so I has to plan something. May be on my next trip I'll go to Ocala.

we need to keep in touch for these type of events to work out in the future.

I am leaving in about 2 1/2 hrs and will arrive today.

I will be located in the camping area, look for a white Tahoe with gold two tone.

I will keep an eye out for you as well.

I am trying not to get to excited for a let down but I think it would be really cool to ride with a DRN member that I met online.


Apr 8, 2001
Crooms was great on Monday. Yamamoto, I looked for you when I rode my bike up from area 1. The rain on Sunday evening compacted the sand enough where it was enjoyable to ride the trails. There seemed to be more people out in the woods instead of in the pit. The parking lot in area 1 was nearly empty when I arrived which was a pleasent surprise.:confused:

I will be heading down again this coming Sunday morning. Maybe we can meet.:)


Jun 4, 2001
Bummer - The Osteen HS for this weekend 9/8 & 9 flooded out!

Where y'all riding this Sunday? Starcove - you still headed for Croom? I'm still reeling from the disappointment so I can't commit but I might try to find you there (I'll be on a KDX - plate #9B on blue), or I might just explore Ocala for a couple of hours. I don't know, I'm depressed.

If we can't get anyone to pick a location, how about we set a date for a Florida DRN ride. How about Oct. 28?
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Apr 3, 2001
well here are just a few photos

but hey alot more to comeCroom on labor day

I cannot go this weekend (antique auction). But then again even if I did not have to do the Antique auction its still a 300 mile haul for me.600 miles round trip.

Next long weekend!!!!!


Apr 8, 2001
I'm just getting around to doing a little maintenance on the yz465. If all goes well I'll definitely be at Crooms in the morning. It is only a 35-40 minute ride from my house..ain't it great. I'll look for you guys in area 1 if you get a chance to come over. :cool:
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