I was out trail riding my KX today. I took one spill but I don't think that did it. I took a lot of hard hits and landings today. I noticed my arm was hurting a bit but I sucked it up and kept riding. By the time I got home, my arm was hurting pretty bad and it's still hurting. I can't pick up anything even remotely heavy. Also, on my arm about 2 or 3 inches away from my wrist where the pain is, it is swollen a little bit. No discoloration and it's not swollen a whole lot. Putting pressure on my hand or sudden movements hurt it. Could I have a hairline fracture or something? I usually have a kung fu grip on my grips as well. Could I have just pulled a muscle? I noticed after I had been riding for a while, I couldn't straighten my fingers out without the help of my other hand. They had been hanging on so tight for so long. I have health insurance but I HATE going to the hospital because it's such a huge pain in the ass. Plus I'm in the Air Force. Anybody else who is or has ever been in the AF knows you have to call everybody and their mom if you have to go to the hospital. What do you guys think? What does a fractured arm feel like? Should I just tape it up or get a wrist brace at Wal-Mart? Matt
I broke my arm about 10 years ago (hit the water on a jet ski) I thought it was sprained, turned out the bone right above my elbow was factured about half way across.. My 1st ever broken bone it didnt hurt too bad, so i waited about 3 days before going too the hospital, we were camping when it happened.. Before i forget, my arm swelled up huge!!'
If it hurts in the morning, i'd get it checked out..
How did you end up caping off your fill plug??
I got the two pieces and epoxied them together. It screwed back in fine. After my ride today, I noticed that the top of the plug was missing again. The bottom is still in there and so is the oil! I'm not riding tomorrow so I'll just get a metal plug on Tuesday. Matt
WOO HOO! I went to the doc this morning as it was hurting pretty bad, and they took an X-ray. No fracture. Doc says it's a torn or ruptured muscle and to limit its use for a week or so. That REALLY sucks since I have the week off and the weather here is supposed to be fabulous the entire time. Temps near 70 and sunny. Bummer. But I guess it's better than a couple months off the bike! Matt