Mar 26, 2001
I ordered a subscripition back in sept of 01. I put down bill me later, and I forgot to pay the bill. They finally sent me a cut off notice and said if i didn't pay, that they were going to send my account to a collection agency. I mailed the payment a week before the deadline. 2 weeks later, a letter comes from a collection agency. It said pay up but if i already paid to disgraud the letter. Well its been about a month and i still haven't started to recieve the magazines again. I brought out the only 2 magazines that i revcieved and look through them for a phone number or website. No luck.:mad:

if anyone could hook me up with the website or number, i would be thankful


Skid Jackson

Nov 1, 2000
Can't help you out dude but ...
Which mag does everyone think is better, Dirt Bike ot Dirtrider??
I've gone through some of my Bro's dirtrider mags and one or two dirtbike mags he's bought. I'm thinking Dirt bike is better. Anyone got any opinions?? Let's here'em!!


Apr 29, 2001
RacerX is the only one I subscribe to anymore, Dirt Bike & Dirt Rider are ran by whomever is paying the advertising dollars. I'm going to subscribe to TrailRider and check it out, since I mainly do enduros.

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