Dislocated shoulder anyone?


Sponsoring Member
Sep 28, 2000
How long for recovery?
The doc said no riding for 3 weeks, but I was wondering after that?

In case you haven't guessed I got one (actually, two) yesterday. I kept going after the first one since it slipped back in by itself as I was talking to the EMT. I did not hurt too much after that, so I kept going. 1/2 hour later I popped it out real good, had to have some help getting it back in. Talk about relief!!!

Besides the pain, that is a really weird feeling.

Thanks to all the EMT's out there!!


Mar 24, 2001
No dislocation, but close. I broke my shoulder and damaged the rotator cuff on Labor Day. The break didn't shift so no surgery was required, but the rotator cuff may still need it. I'm just about ready to start serious exercise. That is when I learn about the cuff.

More directly to your question. I have know young guys to be fully recovered (strength and range of motion) within 8 weeks and others who went several months.

Good Luck and don't get to anxious to take the risk again.



Jun 29, 1999
3 weeks? I'd get a second opinion. A guy I ride with said it took 6 weeks - quickly the first time you dislocate, but if you do it again, it will take much longer.


Jan 7, 2001
I'm a self-proclaimed expert :silly: on this subject after many years of problems (dislocated too many times to count) stemming from a skateboarding injury .... When I finally found a doctor that fully understood the problem, it was about 8 weeks of tape, exercises and no motorbikes for me. I haven't had a problem since(been 2 years now).

My advice, FWIW, is to make sure you have a good doctor that understands the problem(sports docs tend to be your best bet here) & follow the rehab program to the letter. You'll be back in the saddle in no time....


Oct 14, 2001
i dislocated my shoulder falling back on a hill. it hurt pretty bad (prolly cause i'm a wuss). so i got one of my friends to put it back in place and i rode home in some pain and after a few days it was good enough to ride. my point is that 3 months seems like forever, maybe because of the fact that you did it twice, but i don't know.

Hope it gets better soon


Nov 4, 2001
Dislocated 2-shouolders

I have dislocated both of my shoulders and seperated one.. Took a couple of monthes to get the use back and longer to ride.. You'll also need some Phys-therapy for a while.. Don't get in a big hurry cause in the long run you'll suffer.. It also makes a big differience in the dockor involved.. My shoulders still bother me from time to time and it has been 2 years since the last seperation.. The key is good therapy to break down the scar tissue and strengthen the muscle which also tighens up the shoulder


Jun 6, 2000
My father had his fork break on his mountain bike when he was bombing a hill at about 30mph and he had a full separation of his shoulder. He did not ride for month and he had to have physical therapy. He has also disslocated his shoulder before that. He has never fully recoverd and that was more than two years ago. He is still going strong, at 46 he is racing and took second in his class this year. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 28, 2000
Thanks for all the info!

It does not hurt as much as I thought it would today.
The doc said no riding or weights for three weeks then we will see how
the pain is. At the moment I have excellent mobility in that shoulder considering what happened. It is still sore but it feels more like you went to the gym and killed youself after not working out for a couple of months.

I have a trainer at the gym who helped me rehab my leg last year, so I think I have that covered. I think working out regularly kept this injury from being a lot worse than it could have been.


Aug 17, 2001
the first time i dislocated my shoulder i was 4 (i am 15).. it took me about 3 weeks then because my bones were softer. but i have dislocated it about 3 or 4 more times sinces then... each time it took a little longer for my arm to become completely normal again. i suggest you dont dislocate it again (the second or third time, i started to have pain ocasionaly when i used my arm. now i have trouble throwing balls and stuff for certain periods of time. sad isn't it?)
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