
Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
I dislocated my shoulder this weekend in a cross country race. How long should I expect to wear this shoulder immobilizer? How long before i can start doing normal things again? Should i look into a brace for when I start riding again? Thanks.


Aug 9, 1999
I would have your orthopedic look at the shoulder. depending on how bad the injury is, it might require some PT. which in my case, kept me from going under the knife. once it is dislocated, it seems to pop out a little easier each time, which can really damage your cuff, ligaments, ect. yeah, the ortho sucks but i was glad i went to see him when i did.

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
hint: if you're a roller in your sleep don't sleep in the bed. I used to redislocate mine almost every night by rolling.
Oh, and none of the whoopee either, unless you're into pain ;)


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
I'm in the process of getting my ortho referral right now. You guys wear braces on them now? How long were you down


Aug 9, 1999
the brace didn't seem to help me very much, and was really uncomfortable. In order for the brace (evs) to feel effective it had to be so tight around my mid-section that i couldn't breath. I had 3 pt sessions a week for 8 weeks, plus home sessions everynight.


May 8, 2001
oooo that sucks. my first time was in high school football. so was my second, third and fourth time. i was stupid and never went to a doctor when it happened initially. the school would of paid for it. (this was back in the day). for me the first time was the most painful. i had no strength in the arm for about a week but i played the next friday night. it was real stiff and sore for about two weeks. after high school i have dislocated it several other times. it seems that my body has adapted to the injury. i know if i receive a blow with my arm straight out or over my head it is likely to pop out. i was heavy into archery for a couple of years and that built up the muscles around that joint. im jinxing myself by answering this post but i am surprised that the jolts riding mx hasnt caused problems. seems that the plane and range of motion holding onto the bars is within limits of the joint. i know if i crash on my shoulder its probably surgery time. a friend of mine had chronic problems with his shoulder and had the operation. he recovered well but loss some range of motion.


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Saw the ortho today. Ordered one of them MRI's where they inject the dye, I'll have it done on Friday. Apparently the current thinking on young people and dislocated shoulders is arthroscopic right away, but my doc said he doesn't want to if he doesn't have to. Start PT tomorrow, MRI Friday, and follow up next Wednesday. Right now i've only got a RX for 2 weeks of PT, but we'll have to see if I need any surgery first. Hopefully not. This doc seems to be really good though, and he also said that a brace was not needed, that if it's gonna come out, it's coming out. So my question is, how bad would it be to pop it back in myself the next time? :think:


May 8, 2001
i popped all of mine back in. there is nothing quite like the pain of a dislocated shoulder. i always tell people its like having a spear through your shoulder. you know that sound when you bite off the end of a chicken leg and it goes crunch in your head. thats what mine sounded like on the first one only a lot louder. feels like my upper humerous gets trapped behind my scapula. arm just lays there and wont respond to my brains inputs. im usually flopping on the ground in LARGE pain while i try to roll over my arm. that has always done the trick. if there is somebody there they need to grab your arm while putting their foot on your chest and give a good tug. im not a doctor but thats how ive put my buds back in.


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
makes ya shiver just thinkin about it doesn't it? I never heard any pop or anything, which I thought was wierd. Started my PT today, and go back tomrrow and Friday. It's wierd feling the humurous bone shifting around in the socket cause the muscles aren't strong enough to support it.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Elk dislocated his shoulder at dirtweek if I recall....and Thump put it back in place. Seems to me there's a quick technique he used, but I didn't get to witness. The other thing that amazed me was that Elk was back on the bike the next day.


BTW, good luck with the PT!!  Hope you're feeling better soon:confused:

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
I still hear noise in my shoulder when moving but I have not had it pop out again. Didn't get the MRI but was basically Bob Dole for three weeks. I could hold things but couldn't pick up anything or lift my arm.
And like Gene said, when you dislocate it again you know why Mel Gibson would bang his shoulder into an immovable object :whiner:


Jun 3, 2001
ive dislocated my right shoulder 4 times with 2 severe that went into my ribs and lung. each time i was out for about 2 weeks before i could start using it properly again but my last two it only took me about 2 days to start using it again. I am having surgery on it in the next couple of months, till then a very worth while investment whil you get over it and for normal use is an EVS shoulder brace. Its kept me doing the sport love.


Mar 11, 2003
I hear you all I have an ongoing problem with my shoulder!! it continually pops out but not all the way out. I have seen an othopedic surgeon and he wants to operate. He called it a suplication of the rotator cup and it feels like a dislocation but does not require being put back in. Almost everytime I go down or ride I hurt my shoulder; so I am going to antee up and get the surgery done this winter. I ordered and use an EVS brace it works ok but does not keep this from happening; I have also tried physical therapy with no avail. I hope that yours goes better.



Aug 27, 2001
Wow yzguy15, I too dislocated my shoulder last weekend at a harescramble. Right after, I tried leaning over my rear fender and onto my seat letting my arm dangle down. I could not get the muscles to relax enough to try any sort of manipulation. It ended up being 10 hours and two hospitals later that an orthopedic surgeon was able to reset my shoulder, while putting me under general anestesia. My dislocation went straight down into my arm pit and then over the hours worked its way in towards my ribcage. I have the x-ray and the head of my humerous is about 1cm from my ribs. Today is 1 week later and my arm still hurts. Sleeping seems to be the worst of all. There is no comfy position. I sleep in 45 min to 1 hour blocks of time. I can't move my elbow any higher than my shoulder itself. I have another appt. with my orthopedic doc this week and we will see what he has to say. I am hoping to recover without surgery and I will certainly pay attention in physical therapy. All in all this is my worst injury from any sports I have been in and several years of mororcycles. I certainly hope that it remains my worst injury as well. At 38 I don't heal as fast anymore..
Good luck yzguy and post your progress.
"The only way to appreciate the pain of a dislocated shoulder is to have a dislocated shoulder." I am here to tell you it HURTS!
Be Safe


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Well, I started work yesterday as a lifeguard! It's so much better, like you wouldn't believe. Lew, don't worry, you'll be back to normal pretty quick. It's been 2 weeks for me, however I started physical therapy the Thursday after it happened (on a Sunday), so that helped for sure. So far I think I've been to 5 sessions and they're definately helping. The ortho has said to pretty much take it easy for a while. The MRI I had showed that I have the Hillsacks fracture (I think) which means there's a fracture at the top of the humurous, and something in the front underneath there is torn, but since I have progressed so much through rehab that I won't have surgery. If it does come out again..surgery. So I reckon I've gotta be careful of that from now on. If you've got any more questions or anything, feel free to ask.

Oh, if you're coming do DW this year, bring your x-rays and we can compare. :laugh:


Jun 1, 2003
yeah, actually even if i dont ride... yet. you should probably wait to ride again. and i honestly i hate braces but if they help you should use them. and i broke my collarbone and i never moved cuz of the pain. ya.. it hurt pretty bad! but wait until you feel like you can movie or throw a baseball or something. try it out and if it hurts still wait like 3 more days or weeks or something, but dont do anything to early. im going to ride! i want to so im going to! no matter what, even if i have to bye a bike myself. and if anyone is willing to help me get used to talking about bikes and riding it would help, cuz i want to learn all i can before i actually do it. thanx! my email is [email protected].
i like cars and racing cars. so dont think my name is a poser. i like fast cars, and ima gonna get a McLaren F1. in my dreams. really. but yeah i wrote a lot! so im stopping now.


Jul 31, 2002
Lew, you have my sympathy. After only 3hrs of reciting my name and insurance info to 100 different people, there wasn't enough morphine in the joint. How'd you like those spazms? Yea! DON'T BE LIKE ME! Felt better in a few weeks, raced and doink! Hurt it again. Now my hopes of 100% recovery are gone. I now have a new appreciation for picking up and holding my children.


Aug 27, 2001
Well its been almost 3 weeks for me and I seem to be getting better each day. I have ditched the arm sling and Dr. has me at PT 3 times a week. I am still afraid to lift my arm above my head. It seems that the common statement from all involved with my injury is not to rush recovery. I stare at my bike in the garage with anticipation, while my son went on a trip with some friends to Sand Mountain. He just smiled at me and said he would throw some roost in my honor. So I am takin it slow and milking the I can't do yard work etc. with my wife...

YZ - I hope you are recovering as well.

Redrodent - Yes I know what you mean, morphine morphine and more morphine



Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
I'm glad you're keeping this one going lew, I've completely forgotten. My physical therapist said I'm doing extremely well. Partly is because I'm young, but also cause I work my butt off in there 3 times a week. It's getting a lot stronger. Lew, you might try swimming some laps. Not freestyle obviously, but breastroke seems to be really good for it. I go to the doctor in a couple more weeks, so then I guess I'll know how long before I'm officially cleared and stuff. I guess that's it for now. Oh, btw, I rode our TTR 125 a week after I seperated mine. Shhh, don't tell the doc. :laugh:

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