High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Yep, he's definitely hardcore...



Nov 17, 1999
Don't know about block passing the garbage man but I always make sure to keep the elbows up when pushing grocery carts!

Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
Hot lap around the hospital = good thing!
Heal fast.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Well Phil passed his PT tests no problem!! He did really good, he had to do them this morning and now again this afternoon with me there. I have to help him up and down the stairs (luckily there is only 6). We were all Pro after the first attempt together. He's pretty whipped now and is napping.

He is getting discharged, just waiting on them to come and get us or however that works.

Thank you everyone. Now I will have my hands full for awhile. Once his right arm is healed things will be a lot easier!


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
OH two of the guys that he was riding with stopped by last night. They figured out that he hit the jump too fast and also hit a nasty kicker. Right before the take off of the step up (65' peak to peak) there is a dip. He had too much speed to early, then hit the kicker, which then bucked his back end straight up. So he must have basically been almost completely vertical on take off. He must have pretty much fallen off of the bike, landing on his left leg, tumbling onto his right side.

The guys he was with heard the panic rev and saw him falling out of the sky. They took off for him. When they got there his right leg was up over his chest, pretty much kissing the bottom of his boot. He was on his right side. His head was folded down and his chin strap was basically choking him. His breathing was short and raspy. They undid his chin strap and immediately started breathing normal, but he was knocked out.

He was riding with a lot of guys who have been there, done that and they stayed calm while the whole time. All of which said they were glad I wasn't there.

I'm thankful that he isn't worse off than he is. He got out pretty lucky, his Leatt didn't even break :)


Jan 27, 2000
Dang Phil. Sorry to hear that. Heal up fast. :cool:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Wow that pic is OLD! That's his old '91 CR125 back when he he only raced Non-current and a mid to back of the pack C rider. We were barely just dating at that time.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Hot off the presses!

We went in today for Phil's 2 week follow-up. Here are the X-rays. I'd say he went all out on this one. As you can see the bone was pretty close to actually coming out of the skin. I wondered, because when he was in the ER there was a nasty lump on that side.



Arm got casted today also. Turns out he broke the radius. Which is the exact same bone and the same spot he broke back in '96. That was playing HS basketball though!

My scanner refuses to scan. So I took them with my camera, not the 40D. Phil is napping and I have a love/hate relationship with the 40D....


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Two days ago was exactly 3 months since Phil's crash. At the moment, I am sitting at the surgery center awaiting for his Doc to remove a few screws. Turns out he has four screws holding the lower portion of his femur together and not three. Two for sure are coming out and depending on how well his femur is healed vertically will determine if the other 2 screws will come out.

Everything is healing nice and he is ready to go back to work and work is ready to have him back. He probably won't be able to ride until at least July. His femur is still pretty broken.
Last edited:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
The rod will stay in for now along with three screws. He has a screw at the top of the rod and two left at the lower part of the rod. All of those go through the rod so it will all stay.

He already has a plate and several screws in his left foot. His left leg is nearly bionic!


Jun 29, 2003
Yeah, so anyway, all of us - Nick, Josh, Mitch, Matty, Lindsey (my real and adopted kids) all wish him a speedy recovery to get on the YZ250 (not the 4T model) and have some summer fun at Big Air, Red Bud, and more! Think he'll be riding Rob's track? Oh, and BTW, I think the crew may be headed to Bama for some winter wake-up riding pretty soon.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Yeah TN trip is the one.
sounds like a lot of fast MI guys going. Hopefully I won't be in their way! Nick Vaughn, Keith Pagel, I'm assuming your boys, Matt? I dunno about Mitch, Lindsey will be doing her AX gig, Shawn Julian...not sure if Powers are going...Guess it's a Thur-Sun deal.
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