Dyracuse in Wisconsin


Mar 24, 2002
We are looking for a place to ride on Saturday that allows quads.  Has anyone been to Dyracuse in Wi?  What did you think of it or what can you tell me about it?



Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
There are several tracks there. #1 is a SX style track that is comperable to the Fox valley off road track, with the exeption of a huge table top. This track is hard pack.
#2 is a deep sand track, long, mabye 3/4 of a mile long. this sand will swallow you whole. my kids on their 80's couldnt make it around because of 1 of the uphills. it is fun on a bike or quad with horsepower though.
#3 there is a sandy trail system throough the woods. it several miles long and you could spend plenty time back there. it has a lot of deep sand also. its plenty wide for a quad.
They do have a building with bathrooms.
I think the admition is reasonable, $10 or so per person.
have fun, Walt

ps.. I thought you had all bikes


Mar 24, 2002
Thanks for the info,  the kids are now saying they want to go to Fox Valley on Saturday instead. My 10 year old has the TRX90 which is the small Honda 90 quad.  He wasn't comfortable on the bike after breaking his collarbone last year.  He doesn't go out with us that often,  about once a month.  He hasn't been the same after the collarbone and I'm trying to be carefull with him to let him work back in at his own pace and what he is comfortable with.  

He wants to ride on Saturday because he hasn't been with us for about a month so I was looking for places that allow quads. We basically change our riding choice on any weekend he wants to go with us. He seems to be adapting to that method since he doesn't feel pressured to go every week. It's been tough to get his confidence back, but it is coming back slowly.  My older son wants to ride every day of the week so there is a big difference in desire between the two.  Tough to balance that and still be fair to both but I'm trying.  The 10 year old gains a little more confidence each time out so I decided I will let him go at his own pace and not pressure him to go each week like the 13 year old wants.


Oct 20, 2000
Dyracuse is a great place to ride,I''ve been going up there since it opened.It could use a few new trails,as I do get bored with the same loop.I still recommend it.
You might want to try Black River Falls.The snowmobile trails are opened up for bikes and quads,in the summer.Not real challenging,but good family fun.And miles of trails.You will need a DNR sticker for the quads though.It used to be $12.00 for two years.They used to have a great 26 mile single track,but that is closed now.


Mar 24, 2002
Thanks Bigfoot

Weather ended up keeping us away this weekend. Went out and bought a new truck instead. First time in a long time I have been happy to see bad weather. Bad weather effects my job and my riding so it really sucks in this house when storms roll through.

Next time we think about going I will PM you to see if your going to be there.
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