exhaust leak

fast 200

Jul 24, 2002
well lets here start iv got a kdx 200. 2002 i just put a new fmf pipe gnarly head pipe and turbine core ll-q spark arrester silencer the leak is comming from where the two meet together and are joined with the rubber pipe ring it leaks black crape all over the place iv tried to move the o ring in the middle but it keeps sliding back iv tried wire ties everything it wont stop leaking .has any body else had this problem it is driving me nust.. please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jan 11, 2001
The large amount of spooge probably indicates rich jetting. You would be better off sorting out the jetting then trying to keep the spooge in the pipe, then you'd loose the spooge and get more power!


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Anyone who has owned a 2 smoker will have this poblem from time to time. Is it possiable that you pinched the rubber a bit by tightening down the clamps? If so the spooge is leaking out the gash or perferation. My fix was a peice of 3/4 or 1"(I don't remember which) ID reenforced water hose, same as for a washer, with the braided threads on the inside.

fast 200

Jul 24, 2002
there was no clamps to be tighten. the rubber between the two pipes just slides on between them . well i adjusted the carb it not running rich now. what kills me is the dealer wants 40 bucks for a new rubber thing and this one is not even 2 months old. and doesent look to be bad...


Feb 19, 2002
iv tried that to it still slides back

Fast 200, make sure you clean the two surfaces before you zip tie.
I've been thru this before and once I cleaned the two surfaces free of oil and what not, no more sliding of the rubber pipe gasket thing a ma bob :think: .


Jul 30, 2002
Just wandered across this one, When you mounted your pipe did you loosen ALL the bolts before tightening it. I only ask because I recently installed the gnarly pipe and turbine core silencer and the fit was TERRIBLE :think: I had to loosen all bolts and work at it for well over an hour to get the flanges to overlap properly at the silencer/pipe junction. The seal your talking about has a step in the middle to bump against the junction and it is possible to install it backwards where it will ride off the pipe. I would loosen all your mounting bolts and make sure the pipe fits together properly and make sure your seal is put on correctly. Believe me, I was cussing up a storm trying to get mine together.
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