Fall Colors - At Peak - or darn Close!

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Hey guys - the fall colors are just a crankin up here in the Atlanta area - if they are not at peak - awful close!  Some spots more or less than others - but overall just fantastic!

So get that scooter out and ride! 

Unfortunately it looks like I wont be riding this weekend   :(    - but post your reports here so I can enjoy it vicariously!  If i am lucky I might get out for an hour or two on my trails on my property here - better than nothin I guess!





Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hi Mike:
We just did Evart and WOW certainly comes to mind!!! It was SO beautiful, next time I may leave the bike home and just walk around and enjoy the color!! Sheese what am I saying.....
Thanks for the update!
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