Fatal Crash at Buffalo Pit


Apr 1, 2005
It was reported in our local paper that a 14 year old from Napperville died as a result of a crash at Buffalo Pit on the Motocross track.Thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
Apr 30, 2007
Much too common. Just a few weeks ago, I heard about a 9 year old boy getting killed when he crossed a road on a 4-wheeler near a town my boss and I regularly work around.

One of the farmers I scout for ended up being first on the scene...and had to administer CPR. Sadly, he had no chances of making it. Just a few days later, there was another accident that occured while we were in town, and it too involved a youth on a four-wheeler getting badly injured.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those involved and affected by these recent accidents...


Feb 5, 2008
so sad to hear a child lost their life in any kind of accident. thoughts and prayers to the families of both children mentioned.
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