FINAL discussion on 02 cr125 pistons


Dec 18, 2001
Hey the last post was to long and confusing for me so i figured we could sum it up in this post for anyone else who feels confused also.

I am gonna buy a new piston for my bike but what kind? I heard in the magazine that the Wiseco was the best choice. Also by putting in the Husky Vertex piston is this adding bottom but losing top or just adding to the bottom?

Let me know whats the best piston and what i have to do to make it work (double gasket) and possibly the part number id you have it.

Thanks :confused:


Jun 21, 2000
All right, why not sum it up. I think I could talk about that for hours. When I talk about CR125s with Marcus and Steeve125 I get carried away like a blonde in a fur store. If I get it right, the last discussion on the Vertex was that it would add low-end without hurting anywhere else. From that, Your winner first choice would be (Click Vertex Link) the #626-116 at 53.95mm, your second choice would be #626-729 also at 53.95mm. Third, if you need to go Wiseco 676M05400 (or 676PS in old Wiseco system). Stock piston was known to be a clear looser because of the slopy fit. The 2 head gaskets is a must no mather what you run. It is to prevent detonation damage. Or your best bet is to send the head to be repaired by Eric if you don't want to use 2 head gaskets.
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