Nov 17, 2005
I am searching for a new bike for my nephew. He has a budget of about $1200. Here is the pertinent info:

1) your physical size: 5'7" 120lbs

2) How physical / aggressive are you ? Very athletic aggressive

3) what do you plan to ride- woods

4) Do you have any riding experience? Quads on trails, mini bike in field.

5) Do you think you will race ? NO

6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work? Uncle is

7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)? 4 Stroke

8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry? Yes and All brands

9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike? $1200

10) Do you live in California? NO, Michigan (Southgate area)

11) Your age? 12

12) anything else that you think would help form an opinion. Has ridden trails in UP on Quads, minibike in field. No experience otherwise. Very eager to ride though.

My initial thoughts were a XR100 or a CRF100 or simiar bike from Yamaha, suzuki or Kawasaki. He is growing like a weed, so I don't want him to outgrow too soon. Thanks in advance!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
There is nothing that he won't outgrow too soon. I'd find a TTR125, probably the L model with the bigger wheels, because it might last him a couple years. Maybe.


Aug 2, 2008
ok first of all a 100 would probley be to small im about the same hieght and 100s are to small and have barely any power. as for a tt-r125L youll out grow that 2 but would be a good one to start on i guess

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