
Feb 6, 2008
making a dirtbike street legal? I would like to make my dirtbike street legal since my job wont be far from home soon and with gas prices how they are. I have a 2001 YZ250. If you need more info tell me.


May 21, 2008
i want to convert my honda cr85 expert street legal is that possible? dmv should let us do that or somebody. because gas is killing me. we should all go to the dmv office as a group and ask them if we could convert our motorcycles (i know it sounds dumb). i know don't know.force them to make a new law .sometimes i feel like grabbing my dirt bike and ride to my job , but i don't want any tickets .


Apr 3, 2008
Where i live practically anything can be street legal, except for ATV's. Ive thought about making my YZ250 streetlegal but id have to get the stator re-wound for a light/voltage source. Not sure how to do it. Do they even make enduro light kits for 2stroke YZ's ? Im not sure about the mainland US , but if you can have a street legal 2stroke scooter whats the big issue? Give it a try


May 15, 2008
if the bike is titled 'offroad', you will have a hard time. if it's untitled, but has a bill of sale, you can add the stuff i'll mention in a moment, show the bike and document to a FHP office for on-road worthyness and hope.

florida requires:

any turn signals the bike originally came with. put em back on if there are holes for em. if it never had any, add front and rear blinkers.

headlight, has to have a hi-beam and a low-beam. safe bet to make it a running light.

taillight, with a brighter brake light.

at least a left-side mirror.

a /working/ horn. the inspector will make you beep it. this shot me down recently. note: yelling BEEEP at the officer /is/ funny, but doesn't count.

and of course DOT rated tires.

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