foot breaking kicker

RM 2 fif T

Jul 17, 2004
compression problem?

I recently did my top end and cleaned my exhaust valve which was nasty. Now the bike starts up forst or second kick but it almost breaks my foot when i do it. Could this be because of the new compression rate now with the new parts or did i miss something and throw everything out of wack? It was never this hard to kick before and i never touched the timing or anything. Is this normal? Other than that as far as i can tell the bike runs great just hurts to kick it over. Oh and if i remove the spark plug to release compression and kick the bike the piston moves up and down smoothly, just once the plug is in and seals it up its hard to kick
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Jun 22, 2004
Ha, let's see. The powervalve is essentially a variable compression device. I am not sure on that Suzuki offhand, but I would be suspicious that you didn't get the powervalve linkage right. If it is staying in the low speed position it will make it quite a bit harder to kick over. They usually go to the high speed(lowered compression/higher volume setting) when shut off. This allows the engine to be started easier, and once it starts the valve closes.

Pull the powervalve cap off the left side and see if it moves when you start it, or even check it to see if it WILL move when shut off.


Jan 9, 2000
They actually stay in the low position when the engine is off-they only go high at reasonable revs, i started a 96 rm250 and it about broke my leg-maybe that model has high cranking pressure?

RM 2 fif T

Jul 17, 2004
should i possibly turn the tension piece on the left side or the valve and if so how do i want the valve to be operating? Should it be real easy to move up and down by hand or should i be able to push it up and have it spring back down automatically


Jan 9, 2000
It should spring back , i wouldnt adjust it as it wont make any difference to starting imo.
Maybe you installed a crown piston where before it had a flat top?? that would make it very hard to crank.

RM 2 fif T

Jul 17, 2004
it is the correct piston, could it be the timing? I've heard that this can cause problems with the kicker if its off. Its extrmemly hard to kick and sometimes it pauses half way through then finishes its rotation. Is this just the compression i'm dealing with now or is something messed up.
tHIS IS REALLY MESSING UP MY FOOT, SOMEONE TOLD ME IT COULD HAVE TO DO WITH A FLOODED CRANKCASE, AND SOMETIMES HAS A TENDANCY TO GIVE TO MUCH COMPRESSION. Is there a compression release screw or something that may be set wrong, It just doesn't feel right trying to start this thing and i don't want to cause damage. It is not a smooth kick at all, very hard and pauses through the full motion. With the plug out it glides smoothly through the cylinder. HELLLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
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Jun 22, 2004
If it actively kicks back at you it could very well be the timing. You know, halfway down and it thumps you.

RM 2 fif T

Jul 17, 2004
it doesn't kick back, i put so much force into kicking it down then once it starts its cycle from BDC it sticks at the exhaust port then slowly moves through because there is so much compression. This just doesn't seem right but everything is together right and i have pulled the cylinder several tims to see if something was out of place but every time i put it back its the same way


Jan 9, 2000
maybe its filling the crankcases with gas if the fuel tap is leaking? it would be a good idea to get a compression gauge and see how much pressure its got-much over 210psi and you have problems.

RM 2 fif T

Jul 17, 2004
i heard something about the crank case but i haven't put everything back together yet, just the cylinder is back together so i could get a feel on the kicker, so i may just rip it down again and start from scatch unless someone can figure this out. Thanks for the info so far tho

RM 2 fif T

Jul 17, 2004
bike is back together and the kicker problem is no longer there, seems back to normal, only now when the rpms hit the powerband is the bike revs out and doesn't kick like it should, i'm hoping its the exaust valve and nothing else. Oh should the exhaust valve be in the down position with tension to go up or should it move kind of freely with minimal tension holding it down or up?
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