
Jul 18, 2003
I finally got up to Forest Games (www.forestgames.com) last week and I had a great time up there.

Forest Games' website claims that the park is for dirt bikes, ATVs, 4WD trucks, and moutain bikes. The only vehicles we didn't see up there were mountain bikes.

Lots and lots of trails! A fellow KDX rider and I almost got lost trying to find our way out of there, so a GPS-equipped radio is a must if you are riding alone. Most of the trails are wide enough for one or two ATVs. Some of the trails are wide enough for Jeeps and other 4WD trucks on them; we saw some Jeeps stuck in a river while there. :ohmy:

Very wooded area with lots of uphill/downhill sections. Not very rocky, but VERY muddy after a rain!

No concessions, restrooms (well, there are the woods), or showers, and the trails weren't well marked, but we had a great time and I plan to go back. :thumb:


Nov 5, 2003
Is this more suited for bikes or for ATV's. I have a YZ250 and enjoy trails. Is it rocky, sandy, rutted out, or in general what kind of condition?

Thanks for the info
Steve in Mooresville NC


Jul 18, 2003
Steve, that is a hard question to answer. Dirt bikes could easily handle every trail I saw, but there were places that ATVs couldn't navigate, like steep hills.

There was very little single track, most everything was at least as wide as an ATV. And there were roads for 4x4s too, but thankfully, I didn't encounter any of those (except for the ones we saw that were stuck in the river! :p )

The trails were rather rutted and muddy (not long after a rain though), but there were very few rocks so that was a big plus. They have some really big hills there that were muddy and rutted, and that made for some tough going.

Trail marking was practically nonexistent and we got lost at one point...there are LOTS of places to ride up there. It certainly wasn't crowded; we only encountered 2 other dirt bikes while there.

I would go back, but if you go alone, try to find a GPS-equipped radio. :clue:

I see you're in Mooresville...I'm just outside of Salisbury...where do you normally ride?


Jan 7, 2004
Sweet. I live in MD, but my sister-in-law lives just 15-20 minutes from there.

We camped once at a place right on the river, which was very close to where this place looks to be. That was 2 or 3 years ago and the campground had just opened. Definitely lots of available land around there... I will provide some feedback once I've had a chance to check it out!

Thanks for the head's up on this place! I see more family visits in my future. :)
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