harrison/crawford state forestry does not allow motorised trail riding.today,i`m faxing a petition to the division of hearings in indy....i need help with getting the rule changed...does anyone know a lawyer that rides?
if redbird allows riding,then there's hope in getting other
trails opened.
you can help by sending nice emails to people in charge.
also send signed petitions to fax 317 233-2977.
[email protected]------congress
someone that is good with a computer could put a petition
on a site for people to sign.
if redbird allows riding,then there's hope in getting other
trails opened.
you can help by sending nice emails to people in charge.
also send signed petitions to fax 317 233-2977.
[email protected]------congress
someone that is good with a computer could put a petition
on a site for people to sign.
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