Fork Seal Fun!


Nov 1, 2001
Ok, the time has come, I must tackle my leaking fork seals on my '01 YZ. I have bad seals on both sides now, so its time. Anyways, a few questions arise. First, do I need to replace anything other than the seal and the oil? I know there is a dust seal, can I reuse that, or do I need to replace those as well? Also, I've heard something about seal savers... what are they, how much are they, and are they a worthwhile investment? Finally, if anybody has a nice overview on actually changing fork seals, or would like to write one, I would be very appreciatative... its just me and the service manuel, so any outside help/tips are, as always, appreciated. Good to be back on the boards after a winter of hibernation!


Apr 28, 2003
My recommendation would be to get your friends together and go in together on a seal driver (or just buy it yourself). I think they run around $40 if memory serves me (or is it $60?). With a seal driver, the job really isn't very difficult. The hardest part will be trying to get the right oil height for your weight/riding style. Also, buy the Honda seal replacement kit. They seem to work very well. I don't think you have to replace the dust seal unless it has been damaged.

Can't help you on the seal savers, never used them.


Mar 8, 2004
seal driver cost 60 at the store-i got one on **** for 35-i would get the honda kit with the dust and oil seal-they work just as good-i would go ahead and replace the dust seal while u have it apart, i always do-for the oil part i always measured what came out of the good fork and refilled them at that height but you don't have that luxury, so u might have a time with that-


Feb 29, 2000
I'd change the dust seals while you're in there. They're just not that expensive. $10 to $12 apiece I think. Additionally, I would inspect your bushings for wear and replace as necessary. The final check you should perform is the condition of the mid-valve. I believe this model YZ has a reputation for premature damage of this valve. You can get more detail on this in the suspension forum. I addition to the seal driver, other nice to have tools would be a cartridge holder and oil height setting instrument. Although possible to perform the job w/o these tools, they make the job much easier. Once all these factors are considered, sometimes it makes better sense to take your components into a professional and pay for the service. Good luck.


Oct 31, 2002
MXTex said:
Once all these factors are considered, sometimes it makes better sense to take your components into a professional and pay for the service. Good luck.
I don't know about that. He is riding a YZ so he WILL be doing it again :(
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