Forks pushing?


Oct 4, 2003
On my 96cr250 the front end pushes like mad. Right now the forks are flush w/ the clamps. How much should i pull them up to notice a difference? I also have a steering damper so that should control headshake if i raise them a lot.


Feb 29, 2000
It sounds like your forks are rebounding too quickly. Assuming that your forks are in good operating order, I would recommend adding rebound dampening. Try turning your rebound clickers in several clicks and see if that helps. Older forks can suffer from wear of internal components and create a quick rebound condition. In extreme cases, when landing from a jump, the wheel will actually bounce off the ground when rebounding from full compress. To this end, this is why I mention the condition of your forks. But with everything OK, I'd leave the positioning of your forks within the triple clamps alone and try adding rebound dampening. Good luck.


Dec 12, 2000
Also check your sag. If you decrease your sag alittle it puts more weight on your front tire which should help it stick to a turn.


Feb 29, 2000
You know, I just re-read your post and may stand corrected. If the top of your forks is flush with the clamps that may be a contributor to this problem. There should be a line scribed on your forks (about 5 or 10mm beneath the fork cap), which represents a baseline for this adjustment. I'd align this line with the top of your triple clamps and test ride. If you're still pushing, then I'd add rebound dampening. And before you do any of this, make sure your race sag is set properly in that too much race sag in your shock can also create a push in the front. Good luck. Sorry if I've confused matters.


Dec 2, 2001
My forks were aligned at the line on the top of the forks (5mm). I changed mine to 8mm and noticed a huge difference in the front's ability to stick. Your forks may also be too soft as well. After changing to stiffer springs I also noticed a change for the better. I'm not very big(5'6", 165#), but my forks were always down in the stroke, so maybe check the sag on your forks, as this can also contribute to your problem.
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