front wheel does not line up with straight bars


Mar 17, 2002
ok this is not good... just about 15 minuets ago me and my cousin lined up in our pasture to like do a start.. and we took off( i was up like 2 bike lengths) and about 15 feet after starting my back tire starts sliding out to the right, and well i started to lay it over in the grass.. we were prolly going 30mph.. and i crashed like RIGHT in front of him.. well he locked his brakes up and crashed right on top of me going like 30 mph.. his front tire mark is on my helmet and my front number plate.. his TAG T2 bars went into my chest and his whole bike was on top of me.. ( i cant remember any of the crash he filled me in on what happened,,.. supposedly i slapped the ground pretty hard with my head) well anyway after i got up and could breathe again i picked up my bike and found only my front fender to be bent to hell.. so we rode back to my house and stopped to give our bikes a better look over.. i had JUST put my renthal bars on b4 the crash.. and they are still straight as b4. But when i put my bars straight forward like going in a straight line.. my front wheel goes to the left.. and when i line my front wheel up to my bike the bars are turned to the left.. the triple clamps and forks are straight as far as i can tell.. looking at where the tire hooks to the forks is where i think it bent.. im bringing it into the shop tomorrow so they can check it out.. i was just wondering how much is this going to cost me b/c i am going to a week long mx school starting sunday and need my bike back by then.. oh and my chest hurts... :whiner:


Jan 10, 2002
Just relax honda26 this kind of thing happens all the time.

You front end is just twisted up a little.

Here is what to do. First, put you bike on a stand with the front wheel off the ground. Loosen your triple clamps(upper and lower). With the wheel off the ground spin the front tire and then hit the front bike hard. This will straighten it out. Use the fender to check your alignment. Middle of the fender should line up with the middle of the tire. (Unless the fender is tweeked).
Torque the pinch bolts on the triple clamps to spec.
Hope this helps.
PM me if you have any problems.

Brian :confused:


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
the last time i did that, just got the front wheel up next to a tree and whacked it against the tree a few times and it straightened right back up. you can use a wall or fence post or any stationary object. try that before you take it to the shop. if it doesn't work, try loosening the clamps as endosports described. chances are nothing is truly damaged.


Feb 18, 2002
Not to worry mate, happens to me on my XR all the time.

Just give your wheel a wack against a tree or something, it will straiten right up with the bars.

Hit it hard tho, sometimes u gotta give it a good few wacks ;)


Feb 17, 2001
i lossen the trippel clamp bolts, and stand facing the bike with the front wheel beween my legs and turn the bars until strait, then retighten.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
I would listen too JoePro, and take the time and loosen the triple clamps.. Could bend the rim by hitting it against a tree!! My.02cents.....

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Check the axle is straight by rolling it on something flat.

Put the axle back in without the wheel & loosen one fork leg. Twist the fork leg if you can. If the slider walks left to right along the axle then the forkleg is bent. Repeat for other side.

It’s pretty common to bend the forks in a decent crash. Most people just try to force them back into line twisting them in the triple clamps, but do you really want your forks binding? If they are not bent then a simple realigning should sort it out.

If they are bent most bike shops can straighten them with a press & a careful operator. You can save yourself a few dollars taking the forks apart.


Feb 18, 2002
Ahh yeah, now thinking about it its probally safer to loosen the clamps, just that whenever it happens to me im on the trail, im a good half hour from home :silly:, so it must be done :).


Mar 17, 2002
i just woke up and did what JoePro said.. and now its straight.. thanks for the info guys.. now.. what to do about an indinted chest and a righ elbow that is killing me :think:


Jan 17, 2001
Don't take it to the shop. This is simple to fix. Any of the above methods will work.

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