My '00 200 had this same problem. I pulled the float bowl and checked the float height. Spec is 16mm +/- 1mm. Mine were are 15mm, which was within spec, but on the high side (allowing more fuel in). I re-set them to 17 mm, which is within spec, but on the low side.
I also pulled my float needle and cleaned the rubber tip. Mine wasn't worn, but if you can see any sort of a line, or notch, on the rubber tip it's time to replace the float needle.
I took a q-tip and scrubbed the mating surface of the brass where the float needle seats. No particulate debris, but it pulled a lot of yellowish varnish off of there. I think the varnish was the problem.
I've ridden the bike a couple of times since the cleaning above, and it doesn't puke gas anymore. Hope this helps. It's a quick fix if you have one of the above issues.