Hello everyone! I don't really get to much time to ever write in, but I can really relate to deciding when to race. When I started going faster then the guys I was riding with every weekend, I began to get bored. There wasn't really anyone to push me anymore, so I figured the next step was competition. I tried my first two event's after four years of riding; one Hare Scramble and a 110mile long Enduro (that, suprisingly, I finished!). The following year, I tried four Hare Scrambles and four Enduros. I finished fifth for the year in the Womens class in Enduros, and I placed well in C-250 in the 'Scrambles against the men. This year I decided to take a full plate of twenty Enduros (ECEA) and two Hare Scrambles for fun! I love racing! It is not for everyone, you have to love a challenge. I take the competition out of it when I race, and just compete against myself as a rider. I pretend that I'm being chased and that forces me to strive harder. Biggest thing, thou, is to ride safe. Crashing is a vicious cycle once you start. I don't crash much while racing, I save the crashing for the play rides. Crashing waste alotta of time in an Enduro, so just ride safe. I feel, a least over here in the ECEA series where we don't have family enduros or A,B,C womens classes, that riding for over six years straight now has helped alot in our races. I couldn't imagine climbing or riding some of the obstacles in these races with only a year or two under my belt. The womens class gets no special treatment here and is expected to run the full length of course, I have even been placed in front of AA riders (Fred Hoess, Lafferty's, you name it) that breath down your neck all day. I think if they offer something special like Dual Sports, shorter looped Enduros, or shorter Hare Scrambles in your area, then take advantage of not getting run over right off the bat. Because down the line if you stick with it, you'll finally get good enough to do some passing yourself. And the feeling of accomplishment that can only come after completing a really difficult race is second to none! :yeehaw: