
Dec 8, 2009
Hello, I am currently fixing up my 1988 KDX-200 and am running into sort of a problem.

The bike sat for about 2-3 months because I was waiting on parts for the front end. I was able to put the bike in gear before the 2-3 month lay up without stalling, but when I tried after the hiatus it just kept sticking. I was still running the bike once a week to keep it alive.

Before the layup, the gears would wind up when going down hill even though my clutch was pinned; so I figured the problem then and now must be the basket. Lone behold, I took the clutch cover off and there were grooves that need to be fixed. I filed them all down and assumed that all would be good.

I put the clutch cover back on, added oil and tried to put it in gear while idling; it just kept stalling like it did before. I have a brand new clutch cable and the basket had been fixed. What may be causing my bike to do this? Is it possible that I may need new springs and plates? (I seem to have plenty spring upon clutching) Any diagnosis would be much appreciated.


Oct 28, 2008
After sitting for some time, the steel plates develop a layer of corrosion which will cause drag against the friction plates. Some running and a couple frequent gear oil changes should have you right as rain. Well, as right as it's ever going to be with a basket that has been filed on.


Apr 3, 2009
Mine did that after I got a clutch assembly from ebay. I left all sorts of interesting skid marks in the driveway dropping it into gear trying to free it... no joy.

It wasn't fixed until I took the clutch pack completely apart, soaked all the bits in Type F transmission oil (or whatever you run), and put it back together.

(Edit: Corrected "popping the clutch" to say "dropping it into gear". Not being able to disengate the clutch was the problem to begin with. The skid marks are still there...)
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