Irish MXer

May 15, 2000
I dont workout to race but the thing that helps the best is to make an indurance workout. It will help the most compaired to burte strength. The best machine exersize is squats, that seems to work all your leg mussles that you would work while racing. Also I am not sure of the exersize but it helps greatly with arm pump, You can get a stick and tie a string in the middle to a 15lbs weight and twist the stick to get string to wrap around thus bringing the weight up, It is very very hard to do but if you do it enought your innerarms will just about be harder than a brick. On your stamania exersize if you have a membership to a gym go ahead and do all the exersizes that you would use in the race, My advice would be to load 75% of what you maxed out on each machine and then to do that exersize for 5 minutes. After about 3 monts you will be able to tell a huge difference. To give you an example I went from being able to squat 345 to being able to do 425. It really, really helps if you keep at it, And dont forget to run at your local track, run about 1 lap warmup and then run the straits and then jog turns, Hope this helps you get in shape for your Racing

Irish MXer
Mike McCasland
00'CR250 #59


Mar 27, 2000
For racing you definitley have to work on your cardio. That means running, riding a bike, or some other anaerobic excercise.

If you want to lose weight then the only way to do that is by cutting your caloric intake. This is my weakness.

If you want to gain muscle mass then then you have to do power lifts. Squats are definitely the best power lift. They work almost all of if not the entire lower body. I don't recommend trying to start with 325 lbs though. If you've never done them before begin with just your own body weight and get the proper form down. Do not use a Smith machine as this limits the range of motion that you'll go through.

For the upper body you should bench, do some military presses and use the latpull down machine if one is available.

Join a local gym if possible. Most of them have free intro sessions with a personal trainer. Not everybody responds the same way to the same excercise.



Sponsoring Member
Sep 28, 2000
Go out and race some 2.5 hour hare scrambles. After that, a MX race will seem short.

That is what I did last year.

A lack of planning on your part
does not constitute an emergency on my part

Irish MXer

May 15, 2000
I am just wondering but you dont even use the mussles when riding that you use on militry.

and on that workout I would start with 200lbs squating and work your way up. Depending on your age of course. If you like 13 then dont think of doing that much, just consult a personal trainer and they can best size you up

Irish MXer
Mike McCasland
00'CR250 #59


Nov 8, 2000
I would'nt lift too many wheighs. I think the major problem for many riders is that their harts can't deliver the high amount of oxigene to the mouscles. Therefore you should start running and use the rowingmachine. Train so that you can run fast for at least 30 min and row fast for 20 min and you will see a great difference when you start racing.


Mar 27, 2000
Irish MXer,

What I call a military press is a sitting shoulder press. Do you concur?

This excercise targets the deltoids, the traps, the triceps and the lats. These muscles are most definitely used while riding. Especially when picking the bike up off he ground which I seem to do a lot.

He never did say his age and that is a very important factor in all of this. Lifting when you're too young can have bad consequences later in life.

Irish MXer

May 15, 2000
Yes, I am aware of all that you said. I am just wondering for my own purpose, I have limited time in gyms becasue of school. I wanted to know what exersize I should concentrate on. I do 5 min of benchpress, lat pulls, legpress, and military. I do a lot of squats. Partly because so I stand my lard ass up before a jump. Does this seem like a deacent workout routine?

Irish MXer
Mike McCasland
00'CR250 #59


Mar 27, 2000

Because of school and work I have a very odd lifting schedule. When I do lift it's in my non-heated garage. I do it regularly though and I've been showing some good progress. Besides riding it's the only time I'm at piece with myself.

The one thing that I concentrate on is changing my routine up. Muscles have a memory and excercises get easier to do once you do them over and over again. You have to change it up and shock them. One day do dumbell bench presses then the next time use the barbell. Do bent over rows instead of the latpull down for a day. I always throw in a set of skull crushers to hit my triceps.

If you're lifting for riding then reps are more important than the amount of weight that you put up. Are you going parallel to the floor when you squat? Try deadlifting if you haven't before.

Don't worry about the spare tire if you've got one. I look like I'm about to give birth to a six pack of MGD. But I'm working on it.


Aug 13, 1999
If you want a seriously good cardio, try an hour of 2 on 2 basketball with 3 guys taller & bigger than you! I work out a lot & this almost kills me. It's almost as good as hill sprints but since the hill's covered in snow, it's a substitute. It really does help build your stamina but, it's more fun than running or using a cardiomachine. Weights 3 times a week with 20 minutes of cardiomachine then bball 2 days a week. Ride on the weekends.

It also helps with learning how to fall down - I have put my old volleyball dives & rolls to great use with these guys fouling me, knocking me into the wall, tripping me.........I wonder if they are doing it on purpose?


Originally posted by MR.WR:
Check out this link:

Followed your link, found a pretty funny quote and copied it below. What on earth does this guy mean by "biological energy"?:

"Sexual Activity And Racing -
It requires the body 4 to 5 days to recover the biological energy lost in just one sexual climax. Therefore, I recommend that [you not] participate in sexual activity during your championship quest, if possible. If not, it should be restricted to day 1 or 2 in your 7-Day Race Scheduling Planner."

Is this really up-to-date thinking on this subject?


Nov 8, 2000
Now I know why my body feels so heavy all the time Jeager. I am running, spinning, rowing but I dont seem to make any progress. I realise I have to stop having sex in order to go two seconds faster this summer. My girlfriend might thank you later.


Jan 6, 2001
No doubt there's great info. on the racingsmarter website but I think this guy might be a little wacky. Look at the section on mental training and you'll know what I'm talking about.


Sep 29, 1999
Following some of the advice in this thread will most likely hurt someoe real bad.

That website that was recommended is a total joke.

If you want to lift weights for MX'ing, stick with the basics to start with. Basics are bench press, military press, bent rows or deadlifts, and squats. Use an EMPTY BAR to learn the proper form for these exercises. Any exercise can hurt you real bad if performed incorrectly. It's worth it to hire a good personal trainer for a session or two to get the form down.

Keep your rep range a little higher, somewhere in the 10-15 range. This is a great starting point for beginners and is also a great rep range for building strenght and muscular endurance needed for MX. Work each exercise for 3-4 sets, and do the full workout 2 times a week, 3 days apart (example Monday and Thursday). Keep the rest down to a minute between sets.

Cardio is a huge part of the equation. The key is finding an activity you enjoy (or hate the least) and use it. If you don't like to run, then don't, because you'll never stick to it if you don't enjoy it. Running, biking, stairclimbers, rowers, cross country skiing machines, etc., are all great cardio workouts. Shoot for 30 minutes to begin with, and work up to an hour per session as your stamina increases. I personally recommend 3 sessions a week.

Don't forget to stretch, drink plenty of water, and eat good meals 4-6 times a day, spaced evenly throughout the day. Try to increase your protein intake to help your muscles recover and grow, and good luck.

Disclaimer: This is my personalrecommendation to a beginner/novice trainer. Your fitness needs may be greater or less than what is recommended here. Check with your doctor before starting this any exercise program. Offer void in South Carolina. :-)



J&K Racing
No Compromise.


Dec 8, 1999
I enrolled for a 1 hour step aerobics class this semester here at college. I look like an idiot (one of two guys in a class of 30... hmmm not so bad) but I have not found anything that continually elevates my heartrate like this. YOU HAVE TO KEEP UP... unless you like panting and sitting around in front of 29 girls. And you can adjust how hard you work based on how high you set the step board. It is a group activity, it is challenging, and I can pick my personal intensities... I usually target 170-180 BPM for one hour... Might give it a try. very humbling.


Sep 9, 2000
I agree with Buttonfly if you want to elevate the cardio-system. I too was humbled in a class of women.

Are you kidding, after 15min of a hour class, I thought I was going to pass out, I thought I was going to die, I was a stumbling fool on the step box. Did the instructor with the smile on her face have any mercy? no, did I pay for (trying) to keep up, the next day? yep. About two weeks of this abuse and I could do two 1-hour classes back to back with ease. so it does work.

btw, I am probably back to the 15-min mark now.



Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Bwaahaahaa - er..umm.. Anyway! Go out and ride more than you normally would to find out what areas you need to concentrate on the most. Its hard for anyone here to know if you need more upper body or lower body work. Definitely do lots of cardio and take a good look at your diet. A well rounded workout concentrating on your weak areas should help lots. Bbbom, you're too funny girl :D

TTRGUY - Edmond OK
2000 TTR250
"Remember, half the people you know are below average!"


Aug 13, 1999
What a coincidence!!! I just got this in my morning email:

Fitness Answers that make Sense

Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
A: Well, if you have a body, and you have body fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.

Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?
A: How could that be true? Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it. Everything wears out eventually, so how could speeding up your heart make you live longer? That's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it more. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

Q. My wife/girlfriend says I should cut down on meat, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
A: Your wife/girlfriend just doesn't grasp logistical efficiencies the way you do. Look, what does a cow eat? Corn. And what's corn? A vegetable. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass. And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of slop.

Q: Is beer bad for you?
A: I normally don't like to answer questions which deal with my religious values, but I find this question so ridiculous I simply have to say something. Look, it goes to the earlier point about vegetables. As we all know, scientists divide everything in the world into three categories: animal, mineral, and vegetable. Well, we all know that beer is not an animal, and it's not on the periodic table of elements, so that only leaves one thing, right? My advice: Have a burger and a beer and tell everyone you're on a vegetarian diet.

Q: At the gym, a guy asked me to "spot" for him while he did the bench press. What did he mean?
A: "Spotting" for someone means you stand over him while he blows air up your shorts. It's an accepted practice at health clubs, though if you find that it becomes the ONLY reason why you're going in, you probably ought to reevaluate your exercise program.

Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?
A: Can't think of a single one, sorry.

Q: I'm getting a little soft around the middle. Will sit-ups help this?
A: Definitely not! Look, when you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger, right? You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

Q: I thought it would be good for me to carry my clubs when I play golf, but last weekend some idiot almost ran over me with the golf cart!
A: Uh, sorry, I was reaching into my cooler and didn't see you.

Q: There's a lot of equipment available at the gym today, like the treadmill, the stair-stepper, etc. Which one do you recommend?
A: The strato-lounger.

I hope we were able to answer some of your fitness questions.

SunCatcher Publications
Dave & Heidi Thomas
[email protected]

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