Sep 28, 2004
hey every one...wats up? :cool: well just wanted to say hey cuz im new to this site...but i had a question.....ive been riding for about 5 yr's now and guys always give me grief becuz im a girl and they think girls shouldnt be riding. do all guys think this way and why????? i think if you love something it shouldnt matter if your a guy or girl ... but thats it for now lol....bye byezza :nener:
luv ya,
becki :ride:


Mar 19, 2004
HAHAHA!!! That's rediculous.
My GF rides a KX100 and loves it. She is as fast (and sometimes faster) than some of my guy friends.

Don't listen to those idiots who tell you girls shouldn't ride. Girls on dirt bikes are HOT! ;)

Plus - unlike us poor guys, YOU should have no trouble if you want to find a significant other that rides ;)

Sep 28, 2004
well thank you lol....i think part of the problem is that im also a cheerleader and most the people i know think that cheerleaders r ditz and girly girls....i mean i luv shopping and stuff....but riding is my passion and i hate people who cant accept that .... but thanx for understanding and writing back,,,it means a lot! lol
luv ya,


Apr 23, 2003
my wife and 13 yr old daughter both ride. I think most riders dont have an issue with girls riding, I think the few idiots that do tend to stick out though. I think any odd looks they have gotten moslty come from mudboggin rednecks on quads. :)


Sep 27, 2004
My daughter is into shopping and loves to dress up in dresses. She also loves riding my son's Honda 50 so much that I am going to get her a bike soon. I can't see anything wrong with girls riding dirtbikes.


Jan 19, 2004
Being a guy or gal doesn't mean anything when it comes to dirt bikes. Anybody who has a passion for dirt bikes is cool! :cool:


Mar 27, 2004
I'm 37 years old and have been riding since I was six. I wouldn't trade it for the world. There is nothing better than to be complimented by my 14year old son when he tells me that I can jump better and go faster than the other guys on the track. My hubby loves it because whenever he wants a new bike I always say 'YEAH lets go get it". I have my daddy to thank for this because back when I began, there weren't many dad's letting their little girls go out on the race track. I'm so glad that my family is into this sport and that we spend our weekends together at the trails and or track as opposed to in front of the t.v.

Keep riding and have FUN! :cool:


Sep 23, 2004
My cousin is a girl and she can whoop so boy a**

strawberry2278 said:
hey every one...wats up? :cool: well just wanted to say hey cuz im new to this site...but i had a question.....ive been riding for about 5 yr's now and guys always give me grief becuz im a girl and they think girls shouldnt be riding. do all guys think this way and why????? i think if you love something it shouldnt matter if your a guy or girl ... but thats it for now lol....bye byezza :nener:
luv ya,
becki :ride:
I think that girls on bikes are cool and we shouod treat them the same the boys are. Do you race in the TCCRA if so i can see if you nd my cousin can ride together i might ride with yow.


Sep 27, 2004
I have only seen and heard positive things from the guys when they see me out there with my husband. I have been riding for about four years now, and love it! My husband got me my first bike as a wedding gift, what a good man! I am looking for some other people to ride with, prefer single track trails, in So Cal. Are any of you out there???


Mar 27, 2004
Susie said:
I have only seen and heard positive things from the guys when they see me out there with my husband. I have been riding for about four years now, and love it! My husband got me my first bike as a wedding gift, what a good man! I am looking for some other people to ride with, prefer single track trails, in So Cal. Are any of you out there???

We will be riding in Hungry Valley the 3rd weekend of October. That's in Gorman California about 1 hour north of Los Angeles. There will be a few other girls as well in our group.. Two of us will be on KDX200's and the other gal will have a dr (I'm not sure what it is because it's OLD!) two of us used to race but we all hang out and have a great time. Look us up in the 1st camp ground of to the right if you are interested.


2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
Don't worry they are just afraid that you may beat them, fragile male ego and all. :) My wife Amy and both my daughters Emily and Megan ride and I think its awsome!


Sep 25, 2004
I think that men who say that BS have testosterone issues :nener:

Geez.. dont even get me started on men that dont think women should ride :bang:
Sep 28, 2004
ReBeLbOy said:
I think that girls on bikes are cool and we shouod treat them the same the boys are. Do you race in the TCCRA if so i can see if you nd my cousin can ride together i might ride with yow.
well that would be coolie but u live far away from me lol so if ya wanna come to ri that would be great! lol :eek:
bye byezza :rotfl:
luv ya,


Mar 24, 2004
I think their is a lil of that is all sports

It's dumb but independent sports are supposed to be just for the guys or something or has been marketed that way... And the girls are just supposed to hang and get a sun tan or something it all focus group, marketing crap... But all that is changing so fast... Surfing, or skateboarding, or wake boarding, snowboarding, BMX, inline skating, skiing, motocross are all sports women can be better than men... I think with the trends going on now with women, and young girls actively participating in these sports will level the playing field with in ten years or so... It wont be too long before women are competing with the men and beating them... Their is no reason that a women can't beat a guy at these independent sports... As an example of thie eleven-year-old Carissa Moore made NSSA National Scholastic Surfing Association history with the first ever Nationals trifecta: Open Women's, Explorer Women's and Middle School Girls victories. This girl is going to win a world championship someday on the mens tour... No doubt in my mind... She just completly rips...

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site :cool:

It looks like you have been well taken care of while a bunch of us were at the annual family reunion.

Be sure and go to your User CP and update information relating to your location, type of riding, etc. After that grab a spot on the couch and tell us a bit about yourself. How long you have been riding, what kind of riding you prefer, where you are located, etc. We will do our best to hook you up with some fellow dirt bike enthusiasts.

Again, welcome to the site, and shout if you have any questions!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'm guessing you're fairly young. Once you get past high school, most guys can handle whatever it is you do. I have only had one boyfriend who had a real problem with it . . . and I got rid of him fast.

Most of the rest, I MET while riding.

Enjoy, and keep at it.


Aug 25, 2000
I wish all women road dirt bikes. OK - i'd settle for MOST.

I've met several women (dating) who say that they will "try it" but i sometimes feel like i am pushing them into riding because that's how i want to spend my free time. My ex-wife - when she was my wife - was my favorite riding partner. She got into riding because SHE wanted to.

Just keep it up and smile when you pass some guy on the track on the trail. :)


Jan 27, 2000
Susie said:
I am looking for some other people to ride with, prefer single track trails, in So Cal. Are any of you out there???



Check out the So Cal Wrecking Crew forum. We have ladies that ride with us and you are welcome to join us. We also have elk. He loves to shop and dress up in pretty dresses too, but that's a story for another time. :rotfl:

Welcome to DRN strawberry. Don't worry about the guys. Most of them don't get upset until you start beating them. :yikes: ;)


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Ive learned ALOT from a girl rider, she holds her AMA Pro card :) Seriously, she has taught me a few riding techniques that have helped me on trails (She rides MX) I would like her too come up too the Reno ride w/me this year, we'll see.. Dont worry about guys and their remarks, just ride :ride:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Strawberry ~ First off, welcome to the site! I'm originally from Rhode Island, but I live in Iowa now. Every guy that I've encountered loves it when girls ride. My fiance absolutely loves the fact that I get out there on the trails or on the track with him. We ride together all the time and have an absolute blast. As a matter of fact, if I didn't ride I never would have met him. I think you'll find more guys like girls that ride than don't. Any guy you find that doesn't like a female rider is just jealous! So, don't worry about what they have to say...after all, they're men, what do they know anyway ;)


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I met my husband at the track! Phil is like Squeaky's fiance', he loves for us to ride together, go to races together. When he first met me at a race 3 yrs ago, he never dreamed we would end up ever getting married! He loves it when we go to practice and we can practice together. He feels sorry for the other guys who are there w/ their girlfriends or wives. Most of them sitting at the truck looking incredibly bored. I'm out there trying to keep up with him, when we get back to the truck he'll give me pointers on a double that I did, or tell me a faster line to take for a corner.
A lot of guys who don't like girls who ride are afraid they might be faster than them, or show them up!


Big Pig
Nov 20, 2000
lost in the deserts of NM
kdx200chick said:
I'm 37 years old and have been riding since I was six. I wouldn't trade it for the world. There is nothing better than to be complimented by my 14year old son when he tells me that I can jump better and go faster than the other guys on the track. My hubby loves it because whenever he wants a new bike I always say 'YEAH lets go get it". I have my daddy to thank for this because back when I began, there weren't many dad's letting their little girls go out on the race track. I'm so glad that my family is into this sport and that we spend our weekends together at the trails and or track as opposed to in front of the t.v.

Keep riding and have FUN! :cool:

Got any single older sisters?? hee hee!
Used to know a gal from back in the old days who rode a moded XL100.
(no XR's that size back then)
She was keepin up with (and even passing a few) of the older YZ & RM 100's back then!
On technical tracks anyways.
Wonder whatever happened to her? :(
Sep 28, 2004
thanx guys for all your support, it means alot to me......i asked one guy what he didnt like about the fact that i ride and he said he didnt like physically agressive gurls, or gurls that could show him up/ beat him up....idk i think its stupid and i think if guys can ride gurls can too......i just wanna find sum cool ppl to ride wit......i hang out wit guys and am more comfy around guys so i hope i can find sum cool guys to ride wit here in ri.....thanx again it means a more ideas?....keep postin!

luv ya

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
strawberry2278 said:
i asked one guy what he didnt like about the fact that i ride and he said he didnt like physically agressive gurls, or gurls that could show him up/ beat him up

Becki: Send guys like that to the womens wear section and run the opposite direction as fast as you can.

I would love it if I could find someone that enjoyed the sport. You should meet Mike and Mary Snook. They were at DW. Mike follows Mary around like a puppy dog. :) He races nationals and she supports him emotionally and rides as well. A great foundation for long term happiness. I have never seen two people smile so much in my life.

Welcome to DRN

No trolls, no cliques, no spam & newb friendly. Do it.

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