I got a good one, and it't not expensive. Go to walmart or some other store like that and get like ten little gifts that remind you of her. Like you can get a box of Hot tamalies, because you "think she's hot" or a hershy bar because she is so sweet or a little cheap calculator cause you think she so smart, or a scented candle cause you think she smells good, you get the point. But the best gift you give her is a flower that you can make. Take about 3 or 4 coffee filters, the round kind, and fold them in half twice, so you have a quater of a circle. Then twist it up so it resembles a flower, like a rose. Get a red marker and color it red and spray it with a cologn that wear. it might seen a little cheezy, but it's something that you made and it has sentimental value. Then, the build up of a gift is almost as good as the gift itself. Tell her that you are going to get her 10 gifts for valentines day and each day, give her a hint about one or two of them. you can say "my first gift reminds me of what i thought about you the the first time i saw you"(the hot tamales)
So far thats the best gift my girlfriend said i gave her, even more then the dinners and flowers, but if you want to go all out, diamonds are a girls best friend:p . Thier eyes open up like a 12 year old boy that just saw naked breasts:eek: .
good luck