
Sep 25, 2000
I ordered a new O-Ring chain, sprockets and heavier springs for my 94 200 from Fredette Racing. When I removed my old springs and went to put in my new ones the OD was to large to go down in the forks. I called Jeff and in two days the UPS man delivered my new ones. When ordering over the phone I have always wondered what if I had problems but this was handled super fast and professionally. Would buy from again
Joe Roseberry
94 KDX 200
90 GL 1500


Aug 7, 2001

i ordered a BRP upper triple clamp & ovesize handlebar clamps. got 'em within a week. BOLTED RIGHT ON!! even the stock mounting brackets fit right on. workmanship is flawless.

if you're looking for a super-clean mounting kit for your oversize bars..., you'd be hard pressed to do better than BRP.


dirtbike riding roadracer
Mar 28, 2001
Originally posted by JohninKY in the "Found a good deal on tires !" thread
I'm sure Mikeb had the best of intentions. And that may be a fair price for new tires, but as I've said before of Sage's specials it's certainly not worth a special post.

Seems its ok to plug others though? :think , any comments on this John?
Don't mean to be a prick about it but it seems that everytime someone says something good about me that the forces come out with negative comments, but its ok for anybody else on the planet to get a little plug every now & again. If you want me to leave just ask, if not then don't throw a fit when someone sees something at my site and posts it. we are not part of a secret underground socity ploting to spam the place, we are all here to help each other. sorry to bitch too much but the negative comments and personal emails are getting old and unjustified.
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Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
I'll stick up for you Sage! :) You're obviously very knowlegeable about the KDX and I for one appreciate you hanging out here helping to answer questions. So do I get a deal now? ;)


Sep 25, 2000
hang on a minute

Sage there are always negative comments on this type of forum you have to take the good with the bad. But when I am treated fair and fast I feel the need to show some recognition. With the Internet you do not have to deal with the high priced local shop you can shop around. I like to know where I can get a good product at a fair price. The cheapest price is not always top priority service and professionalism is important along with product knowledge.



Grand Data Poohbah
Apr 30, 2000

I don't think Sage was talking to you personally.

I've been hanging around here for quite a while now. I'm not new to Dirtbikes, but am new to working on parts of them. I'm not afraid to tear into stuff, I'm fairly mechanically enclined. I'll offer advice when I have it, and ask stupid questions when it's my turn.

In the past, I too have seen Sage kinda get a raw deal. I've never bought from him, his site seems professional enough, and he seems to answer ?'s and help out.

If he was local to me and not 3000 miles away I'd patronize his shop.

I've never seen Jeff Fredette post in this forum, though I suppose he does. When I ordered my fork springs, he (or whoever answered the phone) wasn't the most jovial of personalities. But I got what I paid for, even though there were no instructions, etc, and there was confusion on what I actually recieved.

Hypersports. I've bought stuff from them too, thier prices are decent, they seem to have most of it in stock (unlike Chapparal). They recently screwed up an order that will take more time and effort to straigthen out than it's worth.

You get what you pay for ?

I dunno, But I'd support Sage or anyone else trying to do the right thing and running a solid business in this day and age. I'll pay a premium for good support. Something you don't see much these days.



Jan 6, 2001
Sage does get stuck between a rock and a hard place.... I wasn't the most kind person to him when he started here, but he handled it with respect and didn't blow up. Gotta give him credit for acting like an adult....:D

Because Sage Does post here, when Freddette and others don't, it is too easy to point the spamming finger at him. His answers are to the point, with research behind them.

I don't know what the answer would be for Sage. He posts well, and ever since the first week as a whipping boy, he chooses his words well to avoid spamming.

I enjoy Sage's posts and don't want to see him leave, but unless we just let him answer posts in the best way he knows how, he's gonna get pissed and leave, just as any of us would.

I'm not a moderator here (but I am on dirtbike.com]):eek:, so if anyone has a say on what is allowed, please let Canadian Dave let it be known....

Good luck Sage,
I, and several others are pulling for ya.
I agree with the local dealer thing. I patronize my local dealer in Freeport, IL, but if I lived in the Northwest, I'd be at your place.


dirtbike riding roadracer
Mar 28, 2001
Here's my reasoning behind this whole post, I have a website, I put things new on it, someone sees it, likes it and shares it with others (in the form of a post here), other people ad to the post saying things like quoted above, I had nothing to do with there post, they found my site and shared it with others. I'm happy when peolpe post saying that they got good service at "where-ever", the people that give good service and good products should be mentioned, and for me its a bonus when I see my name or site mentioned, it all to often that the bad always gets told and the good dosent, so its good to hear the good once in awhile, anyhow this was not aimed to make people stop posting good vendor reviews it was aimed to stop being so selective on who can get plugged and who can't get plugged, if you have a experience with anybody good or bad you should be able to post it, just because it has reference to another forum member dosent mean that member should be knocked because he is a business owner and post to your site, as for using this as my only form of advertising "johninky", your talking out your backside, the intent was not for getting more work or selling parts it was to help out other kdx riders, learn new things, get new views on whats really going on out there and try to spread the word about my shop. yes it hard to bit my lip when sombody whats a skid plate, higher output stator, or ??? and I tell them which one I have found & like & use, but can't tell them that they can get that through me. at least I know that they will get a good product where ever they buy it, and yes it bugs me when I tell them whats good and a week or two later heres a post that the ??? that I reccomended was bought from fredette, hipesports, chap, rockymountain or ???, I know that they didn't buy it local, it could have come from me but I couldn't say that in the start, so ???, at least their happy. :)
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Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Former KDX owner here...

Back when I lived in IL and rode a KDX, Fredette Racing was my local dealer. I used to stop by his shop about ever two weeks or so for parts, advice, etc. Unfortunately Jeff is one guy running a three-man operation on top of trying to be a racer. Like all of us, he has good days and bad days. Just ask him about the time a tractor-trailer rig got stuck in his yard. I've actually seen him post a few times, but Jeff is not the most computer literate person and doesn't want to be.

Sage, as NDRO pointed out, was the local whipping boy in his early days on DRN. Over the course of time he's provided this forum with plenty of good technical information that most of us spodes wouldn't know from a hole in the ground. It's obvious to me that Sage knows his sh*t when it comes to KDX's. He's also got a shop which probably gets a little more business through this DRN connection. In this forum many of you have seen posts about RB Designs and carburetor modifications. I'm sure that guys business has gone through the roof due to the DRN connection.

In all of these cases someone is providing a product and/or service and the feedback, whether or not that individual personally contributes to DRN, should come from their customers. If they provide their own feedback, then it could be considered spam.


Nov 18, 2000
Originally posted by Sage
"johninky", your talking out your backside, the intent was not for getting more work or selling parts it was to help out other kdx riders,
Ouch, let me wipe away my tears.
I have no problem with somebody posting about a good service they've gotten from a vendor. A vendor that goes out of his way to provide something extra. A vendor that provides some unique service of interest to the group. What I don't care much for is reading about 10% off sales or tires for $70 etc. I've seen 2 such posts about Sage's business. In my opinion (out of my backside I guess) that's 2 too many. I consider those at best junk mail. I have nothing against Sage or his business. I hope I haven't hurt anyone's feelings. I'm not interested in seeing Sage leave. I just don't want to hear next week that he (or any other vendor) is selling handlebars for $80 when the market price runs $79 to $81. I don't see much value there.
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