Good Word on Disc Surgery /Recovery?


Nov 28, 2001
Hey guys, I am in my 40’s and have been racing enduros and hare scrambles for the past four years.

About two months ago I developed SEVERE back pain with even worse pain shooting down my leg and to my foot and ankle.

I was on every hardcore drug you can get a prescription for but nothing helped.

Finally, my doctor ordered me an MRI which showed a major herniation of L5.

Within a week I underwent mircro-surgery (the microscopic disctectomy)
where the neurosurgeon removed a huge "fragment".

That was about five weeks ago. Now I am back to walking (three to six miles per day), doing Tai Chi and started back at the gym doing everything but squats and deadlifts.

The surgeon told me I would have to wait about six months before riding/racing again, which puts me at the start of the next enduro season.

Have any of you had the same operation and would you please share your recovery?

How long did it take you to get back to riding at speed or racing?

Thanks in advance!
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