got new piston and v-force seems rich HELP!!


Jul 17, 2004
i would like some help as i dont know much about mxers i recently replaced my piston and got a v-force3 for a yz 125 2001 model it fouled a plug today which it wouldnt of normally done when i started it bogged out nearly straight away i took out the spark and to my expectations it was oily i cleaned it off and it starte up ok but i had to throttle in a bit to keep it from stalling. i run it on normall premium unleaded as i cant get hold of super unleaded which is what i was told to use by the lad i got it off but my mechanic says i can put in this stuff that adds to the petrol for the life of me i cant remember what its called but he told me it makes the petrol igher quality or something similar can anyone tell me what would be the best thing to try ie jetting settings (baring in mind i dont know much about those so i might need a detailed explanation sorry) or is it my fuel (and yes i use the correct oil mixture 125cc to 5 litre) or is it that my mechanic dint re jet the bike after v-force was installed cos on the packet it says fit larger main jet with this product (whatever that is im sorry for mylack of bike knowledge but i have fidled with things that i know nuthin about before and broke them i am not gonna do it with my crosser thanks


Dec 29, 1999
wow- 240 words and not one period ! You gotta breathe once in a while !

How long have you had the bike and how did it run before this ? it is possible , if you bought it used , that the jetting was fiddled with to compensate for the top end wearing out and now that you are back to snuff the jetting should be returned to stock.

Changing to the V-force adds another variable , you are probably correct that your shop did not rejet- but I would ask them if they did.

Maybe if you put all the jetting back to stock ( or at least stock + whatever changes the V-Force instructions suggest) and start from there , you may get it worked out. If the bike has not been yours since new, who knows what jetting is in the carb.

One other thing to consider before you make a lot of changes is that a fouled plug typically doesn't work perfectly after it is "cleaned".

Try a new plug first. If that doesn't work then start with the carb. Make sure it is clean, blow out all the passages and try to determine what is in there now for jets- someone more familiar with YZ's will be able to tell you what should be in there reasonably close-

As a matter of fact the first question you will likely get from someone here is what jets are in the carb now ( and what plug) you may want to get that information soon to help someone here help you

If you can't determine what jets are in the carb, ask your shop to do it for you- should take about 15 minutes of work, since you just spent all this money with them they hopefully will help you out.


Jan 9, 2000
You need to run super unleaded as the std stuff we have isnt easy to jet correctly,also you run the risk of detonation with std unleaded.You can use a octane booster but its easier and better to buy super unleaded, shell optimax is the best IMO.

You probably need to lean out the pilot jet a couple of sizes with the v force.


Nov 17, 2001
I had much luck jetting my bike when I took the v force and threw it as far as I could. The stock reed cage was much easier to get running properly..
Thanks to Bruce for sharing that hot tip with me.