
Mar 23, 2001
Hello Everyone,

Headed up with 4 - 6 buddies to ride the Hatfield-McCoy trails in early May (3,4, and 5th).

If anyone else is headed there let me know and we'll try and coordinate. Our point of origin is the Atlanta area.

Will be staying in Logan most likey (haven't selected a hotel yet).

I have a few questions for veterans of the Hatfield-McCoy area:

Where did you stay? (hotel in Logan)

Anybody drive from GA, if so how long did it take? (Mapquest says 10.5 hours from Alpharetta)

When ya go back next which trails will you hit first and why?

Which trails offer best scenery?

Water crossings?

Just flat out the most fun?

Thanks in advance for all responses!

One Wheel Wonder!!...keep that front-end flyin' fellas!!


Jun 3, 2000
I wish I could make that ride but won't be able to. I'll try to answer your qusetions though.
The best place to stay in Logan is the Super8.
I haven't ridden the trails in Logan but hear they are the best of the bunch.
The trails I will hit next are the ones in Logan since I haven't ridden them yet.
The most fun?....any of them, you'll be on your bike won't you?
Mapblast says it will be a 8hour 45minute drive and it is usually fairly close. You will also be driving right through my home town, Wise VA.

I hope I have helped out. This is a great place to ride and I'm glad to see so many people using it. If you need more info checkout www.trailsheaven.com.

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.


Apr 9, 2001
I am going on this ride and can't wait!

Does anyone have any suggestions for trails specific to 4-wheelers?

How long does it take to take the trail that ends in the town where you can ride your bike right up to the bar??

See you on the trails!


Jun 3, 2000
ridingaway-- The trails are great for bikes and quads. Some of the trails that are black on the map are motorcycle use only. When we rode into Matewan we rode trail 10 most of the way and it was about 40 miles round trip. If your worried about fuel you can fuel up in town. Thumper riders have it easy here.

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.


Aug 10, 2000
Ok, my friends from Philadelphia are looking to be there that weekend (5/5-6). Never been there before, and am driving up to meet them.

Need a campground that allows pets, small kids (more obnoxious than pets), electric hookups for a Behemoth camper/trailer rig.

Being close to the trailhead would be nice. One guy is a B class enduro rider, the other is just plain fast. They like tough trails, not smooth, easy doubletrack.

Also, how anal are they about spark arrestors? Are they checking bikes? Looking for the USFS marking or just looking for a screen in the silencer?

Suggestions, constructive advice?

Kawboy, wrench, you guys interested? I might be pulling a trailer...





Jun 3, 2000
After I looked at the date again I realized this will be the same weekend we will be riding there. It will be a great weekend to ride. Its only 3 weeks away and I'm getting excited about the ride. Hope to see everybody there.

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.

Bad dog

Apr 14, 2001
Hey Zag!
Just signed up. "...the other is just plain fast." Huh? Me? Well thanks anyway. Maybe I'll do even better on a bike that's not held together with zip ties and duct tape. About the spark arrestors; Is a piece of fly screen zip tied around the back OK? (gotta love those zip ties)



Aug 10, 2000
Hey Andy,

Where will you be camping? Any interest in merging our two groups?

Bad Dog ????

Don't you mean "Old Decrepit Mangy Dog"?? Welcome to DRN. I keep expecting them to kill my account, I guess I haven't gotten terminal hoof-in-mouth disease yet. Yep you're plenty fast when you have a tire with those, ah, what do you call 'em?

How bout it folks - any answers available for my previous questions?



Jun 3, 2000
zag- Merging our groups would be great. The more the merrier. The campers in our bunch are going to be at Devil Anse Campground. There are some staying in motels. If you need info on the area go to www.trailsheaven.com or email me at [email protected] and I'll try to help you out.

Kawboy- Matewan is the town that lets you ride streets. It is accessed from the Buffalo Mountain trailhead. Are you still planning on making the trip?

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.


Aug 10, 2000
I've got lots o vacation stored up, so I'm open to suggestions. At the moment I'm thinking leave GA Friday a.m.? Return late Sunday. I can easily accomodate other scheduling though.

Andy, Baddog,
I've been trying to get info from trailsheaven and Kathy (mktg dir) on the spark arrestor issue, etc. So far no reply. As to where we're camping, don't know yet. From the little I know at this point, it looks like Buffalo Mtn is what my group is looking for. I'm open to any suggestions.

More to follow...



Aug 11, 1999
zag, got your vm last night... I'm probably going to race the grass-track MX this weekend in toccoa, so I may not join you at Houston.

If you decide on pulling a trailer to hatfield would you also have room in the truck for a rider? :)

Mike / 1988 KX500 / www.georgiaoffroad.com


Jun 3, 2000
For the spark arrestors I've never been checked, but I do have them. I would hate to drive all the way from GA to be stopped for no SA.

I would recommend camping at the Devil Anse campground. It offers direct access to the Bear Wallow trailhead. For a 3 day ride I would recommend hitting all 3 trailheads to get a good sampling of the trails. Your permit is good for all the trails.

I'll be driving up Thursday and meeting another rider or 2. I'll be in a white Nissan with a XR650R #528 and might have my CR250 too.

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.

Bad dog

Apr 14, 2001
Zag, etc...
We're gonna have extra baggage, (kids, wives)so a somewhat family oriented campsite is a plus. Our experience with sites in WV was that State Parks were much nicer than the private ones. Bring back memories Zag? Not sure of availability though, so we're also open. Probably be staying four days. Maybe Friday to Monday morning? I would hope that at least an attempt at a rigged spark arrestor would help avoid a fine. Keeping low profile may be sufficient.



Jun 3, 2000
If you want to stay in a state park I would go to Cheif Logan State Park. Info is at www.trailsheaven.com I'l be riding Thursday thru Sunday, maybe monday too if I "get sick" and have to take a sick day. From what I've heard and seen they don't check for spark arrestors. I would just lay low and not be too loud.

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.


Aug 10, 2000
Well, I've tried many avenues for contact with the H-M folks, no dice. I'm feeling pretty impoverished due to recent toy purchases. So it's homemade spark arrestor time, hopefully that'll be good enough.

KawBoy, there's room in the truck, but you get to negotiate seating arrangements with Duke the crazed hounddog. Hint - bring Milkbones (plain ONLY)! Also, the voicemail was for last weekend, this weekend I'm riding Sunday somewhere I can get more quality practice. Wrench contacted me, maybe I'll catch up with his crew. Good luck at the race, I bet the 500 can throw some divots, eh?

Andy, thanks for the info, definitely keep in touch which trailheads and start times you're thinking about. I think a bigger group is the way to go. I'll email you my home #. Sounds like a three-day pass isn't enough, did you buy an annual pass?

BadDog, yep I remember that campground. Camping at the trailhead sounds appealing, til you think about the early risers that love to do plug chops before breakfast....
I'm camping where you're camping, so let me know what you guys decide. Also let me know when your schedule is decided. Am I bringing you the WR? If so, maybe Larry can loan you his FMF silencer if it's an SA.

see you soon




Jun 3, 2000
I called the guys at the H-M office about the spark arrestors. They said that as long as your silencer isn't falling off and sounds like a freight train you won't be checked. They also said that a home made job will work.

ZAG- I got your email and will give you a call when I get back from a short ride this evening.

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.

Bad dog

Apr 14, 2001
Zag, sent you mail with details, but probably narrowed down to Chief Logan or Devil Anse. Late Thurs pm to Sun pm.

Andym, have you stayed at Devil Anse before? Again, I'm most likely bringing wife and kids. Don't want to subject them to camping in a pitstop style camp if I ever want to return. Also have to check on the 'small pets' requirement. Between Zag's dog and my two we got 260 pounds of dog! If no good we'll go to Chief Logan. I'll be in a dark red toyota 4x4 PU with a tattered '87 KDX200. Stop over if you see us.



Jun 3, 2000
I've never stayed at or seen Devil Anse so I don't know what they offer. As far as pets go I didn't see anything saying you couldn't bring them. I would advise making reservations for where ever your thinking of staying. There is an AMA hillclimb nearby that weekend and things might fill up. After talking with Zag on the phone I hear the service at hillclimbs can be interesting.

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.


Oct 28, 1999
hi guys, I was just doing a search on H&M and found that you have group going on the weekend of the 5th. my buddy Tom and I are going to Tasker's Gap in Woodstock Va. on the 5th. maybe we will go to H&M instead? is this trip still on?
AndyM, Tom also rides a '00 XR650R-what a monster!

my family:
92 XR280R
87 XR200R
85 XR100R

[This message has been edited by philb (edited 04-25-2001).]


Jun 3, 2000
philb- We would love to have you ride with us. If your interested just let me know. I am arriving in Logan, WV May 3 around noon and leaving sometime Sunday. We will be staying at Devil Anse Campground which is right beside the Bear Wallow trailhead. Plans are for us to attend the AMA Hillclimb in Delbarton Saturday night.

Andy Mullins

'00 XR650R
'95 CR250

Having more fun than a bunch of monkeys.


Aug 10, 2000
Update on GA and PA crew:
We'll be at Paradise Island, arriving midnight Thursday. Hopefully we'll have our act together for riding Friday a.m.

Kawboy can't make it due to a college exam Friday night. We'll need to take some decent pictures to make up for it.

Andym, no need to call me back, I called about camping sites.

I don't think much work will get done this week....

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