
Jan 10, 2004
Hello there all, just come in from my favorite place....the workshop ;) feeling really confused because I just took the clutch apart to check everything, file the basket smooth etc (you know...those things we do) and put it back together (twice,second time because I just remembered that I only wound the main nut on a few threads just before I went to kick it over :bang: ) to find that the clutch engages when the lever is pulled in and vise versa ?? weird. My clutch cable adjusters are just about wound right out to achieve the right freeplay which they weren't before.
Sounds really stupid because I had the factory manual right in front of me,......probably something really simple, just too tired to pick it up,...need to go to bed,get some sleep,maybe it will come to me in my dreams :laugh:
Anyways...any suggestions that I can come home and read after work would be really appreciated
Thanks a million guys


Jan 27, 2004
Maybe You Put The Main Nut On Backwards, Lol


Sep 22, 2004
give a little more info - such as, are you able to put the bike into gear? Or does it lurch and stall as soon as you put it into gear.....OR do you put it into gear and let the lever out and the bike just revs (clutch slipping). thanks

Colorado Mike

Jun 28, 2004
looks like a good safety feature to me, hold on to it and you go, fall off and the clutch disengages. Don't let OSHA or DOT know, or we'll all have to have one.


Oct 14, 1999
You couldn't have possibly put the rod in with the wrong orientation? That would be pretty tough to hook the cable up to, 'eh? ;)

You've done this before? You are aware of the TWO washers (the 92200 item in the attached diagram)? One goes under the basket, one goes inside the basket.

Don't quite see how that gets you the problem you have...but it IS a common error. The bottom washer sticks to the clutch on removal..drops off someplace and is never put back on/in.

When you have freeplay on your lever, do you have freeplay on the activation rod (13236 in the diagram).

You put the big spring (92144B) and the seat (16007) back in...how?

Did you have the bike on its side when you put the assembly back on? That generally makes it a lot easier to keep the plates all lined up. Look at the stack (through the basket slots as well you can) after you put it back on to visually ensure that all the plates are on the hub as they should be.

re: hold-to-go, release-to-stop as a safety device.

Ha! ;) Why not? Works for lawnmowers!

yeah...I know the picture is sidewise...so download it and rotate it on your PC if you need to. That's the only way it would fit the size limitations. After the pic is displayed, pressing F11 to make it full screen should suffice if you don't have a rotating function on your PC viewer.


  • clutch.jpg
    41.7 KB · Views: 151


May 4, 2004
What kind of bike is this?


Jan 10, 2004
Sorry guys....a bit more info aye
The bike is a 98kdx200
Everything went back in,washers,thrust washers...everything in there respective order - manual right in front of me.
What happens is when I had it back together, I started it in neutral and then leant it over on its stand so as to lift the back wheel off the ground and then klicked her into gear with clutch pulled in then leant it back over - bike gets traction and stalls.
Do the same thing in gear with clutch out and nothing happens until I pull it in - then it stalls

Anyway, I'll head out and battle on with it again, Im sure its something really stupid...hey, maybe I'll just ride it like this :laugh:

Thanks alot guys


Oct 14, 1999
What you just described may well be normal if it's cold. Especially if the clutch is new.

Try pushing any kdx with the engine off , in gear with a working clutch pulled..and you will see that things don't exactly get loose just 'cuz the clutch is activated.

Adjust the activating rod (via washers..procedure in the book) so you are pulling 'thru' a 90º angle as measured from the lever to the cable.

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