
May 16, 2001
Last week I was riding on a slippery mud track and I got passed by everyone! It was the corners I had problems with. (it's always the corners, isn't it? :think) Sometimes even the rear end of my bike passed me...:eek:

What's the proper corner teqnique for this kind of track??
Where should I put my weight? Sit? Lean the bike or not? etc. etc.

I'm competing in november on this kind of track and I don't want to end up last!!

Help me.


May 20, 2001
Come into the corners faster than you think you should (no panic-braking, tho) and get out of them easier on the gas than you think you should. Weight forward when you start turning. This is in slippery mud on top of hard ground.

When the mud is a bit deeper, maybe 10-15 cm and not just muddy water but more solid stuff, you can be very aggressive. Just throw the bike into the corner and gas it and keep the front wheel floating on the straightaways.


Jan 4, 2001
Anssi brings up a point that I wanted to ask about.

Should you lean both you and the bike, or just you lean and keep the bike straight up and down? Mud or dry?


May 20, 2001
It's very rare that you would want to lean your body but not the bike when riding MX. When you have a solid rut or a berm, you can just lean yourself and the bike to really push the tires into the burm/side of rut. On flat slippery ground you will sometimes want to keep your body more or less upright and lean just the bike.

I'm no authority in this area, so experiment and find out what works for you.

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