
Apr 28, 2001
I'm looking for volunteers to help me burn in a grass track on my land near Minco Oklahoma. I have 160 acres of mainly open pasture. There is some terraces and old silted in ponds that might make for some neat jumps and bowl turns without any dirt work. There are some trees, but for the most part it is open, not flat, but no major hills. The land has never been ridden on and has good drainage. Current occupants are a bunch of cows, but they will learn to stay out of the way pretty quick. I'm thinking of going out there this Sunday. I guarantee, if we lay out a big grass track, no one will run us off of it!!


Apr 14, 2002
Butch, Sounds like fun to me. I'm starting to get ticked off about the rain. It's going to be a while before our usual places to ride dry out. Jeff and I are thinking about a trip to Little Sahara the weekend after Thanksgiving. Are you interested?
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Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Remind me where Minco is. I might be able to pull off a weekend after the Turkeyday feast.


Apr 28, 2001
Minco is about 45 minutes due west of Moore OK. Tuttle is on the way. As to Little Sahara... maybe, I've never been there. Don't you have to put little flags on your bike like Barbie?


Apr 14, 2002
Yes, flags are required. They sell them at the dunes. Their brackets go on the rear axle. I have a bracket made out of flat metal and hose clamps that I clamp on my rear silencer that is pretty easy to make and much less annoying. I think it's $6 or $8 for a day pass and about $20 for a good flag. So its not much more than a trip to the track.


May 8, 2001
if you have never been to the sahara, you need to go. there is nothing like railing in a bowl the size of a football field and dragging your handlebars. like riding in snow that isnt cold. there are some really cool jumps if you want the air time. the best thing is that every morning the dunes are brand new....not a rut in sight. the wind fills em in overnight.

one last hint. if you mount your flag on the back of the bike, you have to remember to step through the middle of your seat to get on the bike. that is a pain to remember if you are not 6'4. if you throw your leg across the back fender, you will break your flag 90% of the time. i mount mine off the front fork. your flag has to clip an overhead bar at the gate. the bar is set at 10ft.
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