OK, I was a rebel as a teenager. Fortunately I can't remember much about there being bad music then (the 80's, maybe Frankie, or Pat Bentar was it - rap then was cool and funky !) - Our TV, movies, books, and radio as well as music was censored - which meant no porn, bad music, and no bad audio visual stimulation - thankfully I had a dirtbike !
Anyway, now that I am here and we live in a different world/country, as a parent, I do not allow my boy or his friends to have or play 'bad' music in the house - OK, he is only 10, but the precedent is already set. The 10 year old neighbor listens to Eminem, Nelly etc, and I am not going to have it played in my house. I like Eminem (think he is a genius), but do not think his music and that of many others is appropriate for minors. (OK, I am getting old).
The bottom line is, respect your parents, the rules are there not only for their comfort or peace of mind, but your well being as well. Doing things behind their backs will not only make them angry and distrust you, but will probably have a negative impact down the line, like limiting your activities, or losing privileges around the house. If you are worried about being spied on, then rather not use the home computer for surfing or email. Check out the thread where a father was taken to court because his kid downloaded some bad material, or the parents that are paying out thousands of dollars in fines because their kids downloaded music. Abusing the trust your folks have in you is not the way to go.
Think of it this way, I am thinking about letting my 10 year old kid use the internet. Now just as I have rules about where he goes, who his friends are, when he has to be home, and how to behave in the house, so too must there be rules for internet conduct. I am perplexed as how to limit his online activities. I don't mind him emailing his friends, or playing games on the net, but where do I draw the line on the negative activities, access to porn, unmoderated chat forums, music and file sharing, and obscene pictures in email. As it is obscene spam makes it near impossible to have a safe email account.
You are lucky you music was not trashed. Quit whining about a two week grounding, be thankful you don't lose your online privileges, worse yet your dirtbike, or any other activity you like.
Your folks are police, judge and jailer - best to play it cool and follow the rules.
- #1 rule to obey