Ok guys... I'm a block head and used rocky mountain atv's excellent web site to order a new chain and sprockets for my 96 kx250... Not sure what I was thinking because I own a 98 kx250. To make me feel even dumber I have ordered from them many times and when the web site suggested parts for my 98 I went "what's wrong with this site... I don't need parts for a 98 *change or remove machine*". Well I got my new chain, sprockets and rear wheel bearings in and realized my error since the 98 rear wheel has 3 bearings instead of the 2 I got. Fortunately from a previous idiotic error I had a couple extra bearings (don't ask) so my bearing situation is fine. Problem is my new chain is 2 links short (112 vs 114). I leave on an out of state trip tomorrow and will be really bummed if I can't ride... My thinking is that perhaps the chain adjuster has enough movement to allow a proper adjustment on a chain that's 2 links short. Problem is I am at work and can't check this until I get home (too late to place an emergency overnight order). Can anyone shed some light on this in the next couple hours?