Help!! rebuilding top end on 85 cr250


Apr 29, 2006
Ok.. this is for the old school guys.. Lol, me and my friend are rebuilding his top end and basically finished. We tried putting the cycllynder back on which the top end rests in. However on the front left bolt (if loking at bike from the front) there is a plastic peice, that is a lever. I think its called the crank shaft reed (not quite sure the name). Anyways the plastic peice obstructs the cyclinder from dropiing in flush. The manual said to set the plastic peice in the foward postition which we did, but the cylynder still wont drop into the bolts flush. Do we have to somehow take out the plastic peice to install it? Or are we just freaking idiots and cant figure out why? If anyone has had this issue in the past please reply. This stupid plastic peice is preventing me from riding!


Oct 21, 2006
85or 86???
85 doesn't look like it has a power valve assemble-the 125 i rebuilt didn't either- they had a expantion chamber on the pipe-
from the pics i seen i was thinking your talking about the dowl pin?? i cant really tell though
the 86 has a powervalve assembly,and needs the plastic arm positioned propperly or they will not work right!!!!
take your time !