Help with Swingarm and Steering Head Bearing Maint


Mar 13, 2000
I am pretty much a newbie to working on bikes so I usuallly take my bike to the shop for work other than brakes, wheel bearings, oil changes. I have been told that greasing the swing arm bearings and steering head bearings is quite easy and something that I should also be able to do myself. Can anyone give me a blow by blow on what must be removed and the steps taken to accomplish these tasks. My bike is a '99 KTM 300EXC. Thanks in advance for any help.


Jul 28, 1999
This is from memory...

Remove the wheel, brake caliper (pull brake hose out of the two plastic clips), and chain guide. Remove the lower shock pivot bolt and both plastic frame guards. The swingarm bolt will probably be tight. I use an impact wrench, but some healthy jerking on a 1/2-inch ratchet should get it off. With the nut removed, tap out the swingarm bolt with something that doesn't touch either the inside (where the frame guard bolt goes in) or outside threads. With the bolt out, the swingarm should pull out easily. Clean the needle bearings and pack them full of waterproof grease. Check the metal spacers for grooves. If they are corroded or grooved, replace them (and it wouldn't hurt to replace the seals, if they've never been done before). Grease the swingarm bolt before you put it all back together.

Steering Head Bearings:
Remove front wheel, brake caliper, and anything else connected to the fork tubes. Loosen the triple clamp nunts and remove the forks and handlebars (can probably just pull them back and let them rest on the tank or seat, with the controls connected). Loosen the upper triple clamp bolt around the steering stem and use your KTM tool to remove the steering tube bolt. You should be able to pull down on the lower triple clamp and it will come out. You'll see the lower needle bearing - clean out the old grease and smear on new grease. Do the same for the upper bearing, then put it all back together.

Hope that helps.


Apr 30, 2001
I went to Maxima waterproof grease last time I serviced our bikes. My upper steering head bearing was rust damaged( from washing I think)and had to be replaced.The factory is not very generous with the grease...
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Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
My best reccomendation would be to go invest in a manual for your bike.. I do all my own maintanence on my bike and this manual is like a bible.. It went step by step on what too remove then step by step for reassembly.. Good luck
PS.. I got to ride a KTM for the 1st time today, the new 450, WOW!!
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