

Jun 11, 2002
I'm having problems with the rear wheel kicking up going over bumps,rocks etc. the sag is correct and the shock settings are in the middle. Any ideas?? I had a pretty nasty spill saturday because of this so any help would be appreciated oh almost forgot its a 90 KDX 200.


Apr 30, 2002
Do you have the right rear spring for your weight? I had to go to the 4.8 spring to settle down the rear of my bike. Also, have you tried adjusting your rebound?


Oct 14, 1999
My 'idea' is 'in the middle' isn't right.

This is cut/pasted from another thread. Not that it's such a great thing said.....but it's easier than typing it all over again. ..and it makes sense to me.

Consider the following (shock): Compression adjustment is the top clicker, rebound is the bottom.

Compression needs to be SOFT enough (clicks out) to absorb impacts without jacking your arse, HARD enough (clicks in) to take as large an impact as you're likely to give it. Rebound needs to be FAST enough (clicks out) to be ready for the next impact (not 'pack'), SLOW enough (clicks in) to keep the wheel on the ground during the rebound process.

A search of suspension sites can give you a step by step method for setting the two.

If none of the above helps at all, expand a bit on the problem. The rear wheel 'kicks' as it HITS the bump (as it's compressing) or at the TOP? The former could be too much compression, the latter could be too little rebound.

Keep in mind that a 'bump' and a 'rock' may well be (depending on..well, the bump and the rock!) a low speed/hi speed issue. Those are different suspension aspects. Note: speed in this case isn't how FAST you're's the speed with which the suspension has to react due to the object being 'sharp edged' or not.

Here's where you want to end up. While discussing with my wife (a crazy quad rider that...if you think quads are slow..YOU try to keep up with her!) the aspects of suspension and upcoming changes to her quad, she made the comment, 'When I'm following you, your rear tire is flying up and down like crazy....and your rear fender stays s-m-o-o-t-h.'

That's what you want. suspension is as good as it is thanks to jeremy (mx-tech) and richard (house of horsepower). It's VERY satisfying going down a long swoopy downhill, bike off, in neutral...listening to all the 'swooshing' and hydraulic action going on, the tires never leave the ground...and it's smooth as silk!

Don't be afraid to tweak those clickers! A couple of clicks can make a HUGE improvement!! Spearmint with it!

(Don't forget the fork compression clickers!!)


Jun 11, 2002
Thank you ...I do have the correct spring (5.4 Kg ) for my weight. I just got the forks correct. I will try the clickers I guess I got excited. Got me bell rang pretty good-the ground is gettin harder the older I get!
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