Hey from New Hampshire


Damn Yankees
Feb 12, 2005
Hey everyone, my name's Brian. I live in Nashua, NH, and am an Air Force Lieutenant stationed at Hanscom AFB in Lexington, MA (my home state is actually TX). I've been riding on the road since I was less than 1 (obviously as a passenger), have ridden cross country a few times, have owned lots of street bikes and raced MX on-and-off for about a year a long time ago. Kinda out of the motorycle scene for a while, racing bicycles, but am back in it now.

I've got an '03 CBR600RR and an '05 YZ125. Got the YZ in September '04 and was racing second time on it a few days later. Did all the remaining NESC (New England Sports Committee) fall races and am ready for the spring season to start back up!

Don't know any racers up here around where I live and wish I had a practice track closer than an hour and a half away!


Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site :cool:

I see where you have gone to your User CP and updated information relating to your location.

Check out the Damn Yankee Dirt Riders forum for opportunities to hook up with fellow NorEasters.

Some of the NE gang are drumming up a spring ride. Check out the DRN East Coast - Spring Ride thread about a ride coming up at the Hatfield & McCoy Trail System in West Virginia.

Additionally the DYDR group usually has a spring ride at Paragon in PA.

Again, welcome to the site, and shout if you have any questions!
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