Mark W

May 12, 2004
Where in St. Paul? I'm in Woodbury and looking to share places to ride, experinces with the bike and so on. I'm new to the sport and this is my first bike?

Also, does Bob's carry jets and other carb parts. That woule sure be handy.

You change out your front forks springs yet. Maybe we could tackle it together and only make a mistake once.



Jan 27, 2004
Im from the nw suburbs, and would like to hook up with other riders to ride with in the area


Sep 6, 2003
Rice street and Maryland (pretty close to Bob's on Rice and 36)

Lets do it... I have a pretty decent garage (tools... actually the garage is really ugly) and a pretty good mechanical knowledge...

I have not yet changed my springs, but I plan on it (changing fork oil SOON)

I am lucky enough to have some buddies who ride frequently and they have shown me a few decent places nearby, but my most riding experience is in northern MN... (I know some GREAT spots up their, and make the trek often)

I will certainly help you guys to the best of my abilities to find good spots (I assume you'll return the favor if you get the chance) and I even have fun working on my bike and helping my buddies with theirs (don't tell them I cheat and get answers here!!... LOL)...

You can email me at boomers at visi dot com

send me an email....


May 7, 2000
Hey Guy's
Come to the TCTR trail ride up at Paul Bunyan State forest this weekend. It's one of the best places to ride in MN.
The trails will be arrowed and guides will be available also.
We will also have some shorter loops for the kid's.
See Ya


Sep 6, 2003
I have heard of you guys (TCTR)... I have stopped by your site a few times, but the forums there are very difficult to use...

Do you have to be AMA'ed to ride with you guys?... I have heard Paul Bunyan was good.... haven't been there yet though...


Sep 6, 2003
ummmm the 'dot' indicates a period .... it's just to keep spam crawlers from finding my address and spamming me....

boomers (the @ sign) visi (period) com


May 7, 2000
Yes you will need a AMA card and a $10 district card for the trail ride. By being an member of the AMA and local district 23
you are helping a group who goes to bat for you every year at the capital when others are trying to take our trails away.

The trails will be arrowed and guides will be available and we will be running a poker run with some great door prizes.
riding gear, tires, other goodies...
And it's a great place to meet other riding partners.

Look me up Bob M. the "Ranger"


Sep 6, 2003
well Bob, this brings me to the next dilema.... what is the AMA's take on shared use trails?... do they go to bat to take the trails from someone else for what the AMA sees as the right reasons? or are they open to sharing motorcycle trails with say everyone else?

I like to hike, mtn bike, ride horse, ski, snomobile, ride dirtbikes, portage, etc... I have never seen an incident between two different user types that would justify closing the trail to one or the other...(before anyone goes off on this.. I am certain there are some examples.. but they are certainly not the norm)...I understand some limitations on motorized access in SPECIFIC areas, for those of us that love to get away from it all sometimes... what I don't understand is why all these people battle each other over trail use... They each claim the others are 'ruining the trails'... we all have a common interest 'public access to quality trails'... I understand some trail limitations but I cannot support one group against the others.... Open trails open minds

I am very interested in where the AMA stands on sharing the trails.... my experience is that the 'non-motorized' section is more adamant than the 'motorized' side.... can't we all just get along?... lol


Jan 27, 2004
dumb question where is the Paul bunyan state trails at?
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