Hitch Mount Carrier


Jun 16, 2004
looking to buy a hitch mount carrier. Does anyone own or have facts on the type that holds the bike down by clamping to the foot pegs?


Jan 26, 2005
Yeah, I have one...Its called a MotojackRack. Nice device, very portable and stores easily, easy to use because you dont have to lift the bike, it has a bottle jack built in to raise it up, with of course necessary safety locks.
Last weekend while avoiding an accident my truck almost rolled. Bike stayed on, didnt even loosen up.
My only complaint is that it only holds 1 bike. If they had a 2 bike model I'd buy it.


Jan 26, 2005
I know. Yet it is...I guess theoretically, the only thing that could go wrong is if your peg breaks off. But believe me, once its locked down, it is pretty rigid, because it basically clamps it down from both sides. the only other things I do is tie up the front wheel, because that could swing, but a bungee does that easily.
Plus its easier on the forks because there is no load on them, all the load is on the frame.
Funny, when I've gone riding, I've gotten as many or more looks of admiration for the rack than my bike :coocoo:

But check out their website, they've gotten some pretty impressive review posted there.


Mar 19, 2005
I wish I had bought the MotoJackRack. Instead, I purchased a Moto X Caddy since they are the "original" carrier and have been in business for a long time. The carrier didn't hold up, I almost lost my bike last weekend when one of the main supporting 2x2 bars ripped at the weld while in transit. That was the third time I had used the caddy and it failed. I think it broke from the back and forth rocking motion caused by going over bumps. I drive very slowly over any type of bumps but it broke nonetheless. When I hit a dip on the freeway at speed, the caddy rocks back and forth quite forcefully putting excessive stress on the joint causing the steel to tear right above the weld. I had a local welder repair it and will try it out this weekend but am hesitant and nervous to use it long term. Anyone else have a similar experience?
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