Hollister 12/15 Whats the noise about?

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
This saturday at Hollister OHV park there is a noise awareness event.
This was set up by Flyod Fredrickson (RMD's dirt doggie).
Floyd has put a huge amount of work into this & I hope as many NorCal people can make it as possible.

The following has been copied from "Trail Times", the Hollister Hills Off Road Associations newsletter.

So what’s all the NOISE about?

An Individual Perspective
Floyd “DirtDoggie” Frederickson

As published in the last Trail Times, Park Superintendent Dan Dungy announced the kick off of Operation Stealth. This will be a series of informational activities regarding the sound output from our Dirt Bikes. Given the recent issues regarding the expansion property, the HHORA Board Members decided to jump in with both feet and help spread the word. Operation Stealth promises to be a fun and interactive way to get “up-to-speed” on the latest sound regulations and new industry technologies to mitigate our sound output. Before getting into the details about Operation Stealth I wanted to take a moment to talk about the current atmosphere in California and elsewhere, regarding land use from an OHV perspective.

During the last few years it has been a constant struggle in the Off Highway community to maintain current riding opportunities much less expand and open new riding areas. If you are not in tune with the opposition to our sport, believe me when I say that they are well organized, … they are well funded, … and they are vigorously finding new methods to further their agenda. In contrast, many of us dirt bike riders just wanna have Fun!!! We are engineers, plumbers, teachers, nurses, parents and yes, even grandparents. We represent a significant cross section of the “backbone” of America and we work hard day after day to do our part. Our spare time is limited and when a weekend rolls around we want to enjoy it with our families doing what we love most. That being the case, it can be a handful to try to get mobilized and directed towards a common goal. I know my limitations and because of my limited free time, I look to others that are better positioned to represent my best interests.

As is the case with many special interests it can be difficult to recognize who to entrust to best represent our interests. There are several groups out there that do good work, but there are a couple organizations that I personally support that are focused primarily on issues that directly affect the riding areas that I enjoy on a regular basis. I am speaking of the District 36 Legislative Action Office and the Blue Ribbon Coalition. I have witnessed first hand the effect that these organizations have had over the years representing the Off Road community. They are motivated on a personal level and have been gaining ground (pardon the pun) on a regular basis. I have invited these organizations to support an informational booth at the Vendors Midway during Operation Stealth. I strongly urge everyone to stop in and talk to them and find out what they’ve been doing and what they’re up against.

Noise levels from Off-Road Vehicles are currently the leading complaint by those who would shutdown or severely limit our OHV opportunities in California. We can all have a positive impact on this issue by understanding and managing our noise output. Remember, it can sometimes take only a few unknowing or careless individuals to portray our sport in a negative fashion. We need to monitor and manage ourselves when it comes to responsible OHV use. Operation Stealth is a day at the park (Dec 16th), which will offer everyone an opportunity to learn more about this growing concern and what they can do about it. There will be voluntary sound testing, which will inform you how your bike stacks up to the newly revised noise standards. All voluntary sound test participants will be eligible for a free BBQ Hot Dog lunch hosted by the HHORA, and great raffle prizes donated by our local Motorcycle Shops, Dealers and Industry leaders.

FMF has generously donated a New Q-Series Spark Arrestor for a Yamaha YZ250F that we plan to test, and then raffle off to a lucky participant. This next generation muffler system is promoted to reduce the noise output by several decibels while still providing great power characteristics. That may not sound like much, but when a bike is barking at high 90s to low 100 decibels, it can make the difference between being acceptable, to just plain obnoxious even to a seasoned dirt bike rider.

We will be setting up a “Vendors Midway” to include: The Pit Stop, Dirt Bag Clothing, Santa Clara Cycle, AfterShocks Suspension, Zoom Cycle, Honda Of Milpitas, MotoHeads, Western Power Sports, and more. All of the vendors have generously contributed to the Operation Stealth raffle and all of the past HHORA 2001 events. So be sure to visit their booth and thank them for all of their support. There will also be an organized “How To” demo on repacking Mufflers/Spark Arrestors. Get there early and get your system repacked for FREE, while you wait!!!

In closing I want to thank everyone of the HHORA Membership for a great year of 2001. We’ve had a lot of fun and have made many new friends. Lets close out the year with a successful Operation Stealth event. Come on out and lets get one more ride in before the end of the year!

Hope to see you there….


Jul 1, 2000
Farmer John, is there a webpage, or document somewhere that spells out these new noise laws, and where they apply? Sorry can't make it manana.


Dec 8, 2000
It is called Operation Stealth. it is not on Sat. It is sceduled for Sunday Dec 16th. I am courious what my DR-Z with the Yosh reads
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