
May 16, 2006
I have a new to me 04 RMZ 250. Total time is about 10 hrs. I have no problem starting it when its cold. I open the choke, twist the throtle 3 times. Kick once slow, then once harder and it starts. :ride:

If I try and start it when its hot, There is no chance. I have tried the manual suggestion of the the hot start and no throtle. Nada except a sore leg. :bang:

Then I held the throttle open for a couple of kicks with the hot start pulled, nada, let the throttle out and alone. nada, more sore muscles. :bang:

Let it sit for 10 min, 2nd kick. This says to me that its flooding, but the open throttle should be clearing the flood?

Any help here would be appreciated. I ride with the kids and am continually picking up their bikes, so the ability to stop and start really helps.
Thanks for any suggestions.
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