N.H. Hick

Mar 10, 2001

i've only herd endo!!!! well there right, try it on reagular pedal bikes first. i can sit on top of my rear tire when i do them on a bmx bike. mtb are a little tougher considering they have 26 inch tires. haha. what i do is i take lean over the handel bars, pull in the brake and as im going up i graduly move father and farther back on the bike. but everyone does it differntly


Feb 26, 2001
roostinbe, TexKDX is a great guy, I dont know where you got that he was coming across as a hard @$$ but hes just stating the fact and making a good example that riding without a helmet is dumb, which in all reality is a complete and true fact.....



Aug 8, 1999
Update: I had a conversation this evening with the #2 US Trials rider, Ray Peters, who is in town filming a street bike stunt riding video. He has previously taught me to do stoppies/nose wheelies on dirt bikes at slow speed, and the technique I outlined earlier is the one he teaches.

When it comes to street bikes though, 70-100 MPH nose wheelies, he says the game is totally different. He says to grip the tank with the knees, "dip" the front brake to make the nose dive and settle, then start feeding it the front brake until the back end comes up. No sudden moves of any kind or the thing will pivot at the frame/fork junction and spit you off immediately and hard.

As far as dealing with the back end swinging out, on the dirt bike he teaches locking the back tire and letting the back end slide when it lands to straighten you up. On the street bike, the exact opposite applies. If the back end starts to come around then wrap the motor up and get the wheel spinning. When it touches down the drive from the rear will straighten the bike up. Care to try that move?

The guy is one of the "Extreme Trials" riders you see at the auto shows and fairs, does trials/stunt riding with his own rig, and has expanded his shows to include the street bike tricks. He just got back from a week in Vegas with one of the guys in that wild Vegas street bike video. I'm bad with names and missed the Vegas guy's name. My guess is he knows what he is talking about as he has lived to tell about it all.

As far as the defense of the helmetless stoppie, I find it rather hard to believe that someone was standing there with a camera at the exact moment you "accidentally" pulled a stoppie, Woodrow.

I once saw a 16 year old kid on the last day of school for the school year jump up on the back of his friend's car bumper with his feet in the parking lot as they were leaving at the end of the day. Last day of school, pulling away for the summer, big fun, celebration, you get the picture. His buddy driving thought it would be cool to step on the gas. The kid standing on the bumper fell back on the ground, hit his head, and started coughing uncontrollably. 3 minutes later, before the ambulance arrived, he was dead. Right in front of me. No summer of fun, no coming back next fall as a Senior, no prom, no nothing. Just a senseless pool of blood on a blacktop parking lot in front of a high school that has since shut down (Howe in Indy). My dad went there back in the 50s. More on him in a minute.

Hard surfaces and naked noggins don't mix well. He didn't need a 100 HP crotch rocket or 45 HP dirt bike to end his life, just a simple prank. The bumper trick gave him all the extra height and momentum he needed to do the deed expediently. DEAD. Very DEAD. There is only ONE DEAD, and that is DEAD DEAD. He was it, right there in front of me and a crowd of classmates.

Woody, you have already proven yourself to be a bad example and probably a lost cause, both thru your picture and subsequent responses. All the other young-uns who like to hang out in this forum, yes I am a hard ass. I hope your dad is a hardass. Mine sure was. I got the biggest ass-whoopin' you could imagine the day I rode my mini-bike (Scat Cat with a 5 hp Briggs) around the front yard without a helmet on. To this day I don't ride a bicycle or a motorcycle across the street without one on. Yea, you'll probably get away with it most of the time, but all it takes is once.

Take a look at the following for a minute, thanks to Webster's dictionary:
Main Entry: ac·ci·dent
Function: noun
1 a : an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance b : lack of intention or necessity : 2 a : an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance b : an unexpected and medically important bodily event especially when injurious

If we only wore safety gear when we planned on crashing, then most of us would ride naked and get a free tan out of the deal, right? As for Woody doing a faceplant, based on the above definition, that would not qualify as an accident. It would not pass the test, as it is "forseen" even though it was unplanned.

Allright guys, hardass mode off for now. You kids amaze me with the stuff you do on bikes nowadays. Stuff I won't even try. Be young, have fun, drink Pepsi and all that stuff, but please wear a helmet. Thanks.

Smokin Joe

Sponsoring Member
Apr 21, 2000
Thanks Tex for the insight on streetbike stoppies! My question is this, does anyone know who did the streetbike chase scenes and stunts in Mission Impossible 2? On the rental tape trailer they try to make it out that Cruise did all his own stunts. Maybe some but I find this hard to believe that he did the bike stunts.




Aug 8, 1999
Joe -

They hung the bikes from a crane. That's how they did the spin-around stoppie, a physical impossibility.

My guess is he did the bathtub "stunt" himself, leading to the breakup of his marriage ;) .


Mar 7, 2001
Kevin------------> Sweet stoppie! i didnt even think twice about helmet till i heard others... to each his own i say... everyone knows there own limits and abilities... i appreciate your help in trying to share your insight on the matter!! :cool:


Apr 2, 2001
Please read

Hello All,

I would like to say that I have seen the error in my ways, though the help of follow members. I would like to say that it was a bad example for me to post a picture of myself doing a stoppie without a helmet. I do feel that it is a personal choice but I also feel that I should not be the one to influence the younger crowd in a bad way.

The last thing I would want is for anyone to get hurt. So you should always wear a helmet when you are riding and especially if you are going to be attempting new things with your bike. So I hope that you can realize that helmets can help to minimize the damage in the event of an accident. If you need more of a reason to wear a helmet read Tex’s story in his post above. This didn’t even involve a motorcycle.

Have a good one and remember, it will be a lot better if you crash with your helmet on than not. Your buddies will also appreciate it because they will be able to laugh about it and they won’t have to call 911 because your head is not the same shape.
Last edited:


Apr 2, 2001
I can do them now:confused: I practiced doing stoppies yesterday for about half an hour.When I do them right I can get rolling on the front tire pretty good.I noticed that the faster you go the easier this is.I do them in 3rd going at a good speed.My friend was doing them to yesterday, and he went over the bars.It was really funny(good thing it was on grass>and no he didn't get hurt).I also noticed that after a while your front brake starts to feel spongy.


Apr 2, 2001
Cr glad to hear you unlocked the power of the stoppie.

The spongy brake feeling that you are getting is known as brake fade. It can happen when the brakes get too hot. The characteristics of the braking components can change from excess heat and thus result in a weird braking feeling. You may also have some water in your brake fluid, which could cause the brake to get spongy as it heats up.

You may not have had this problem while riding because when you are riding the air takes the heat away from the braking components. Hope this info helps.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Don't worry I'll leave...

I don't venture into the Riding Forum very much, I always figured the best way to learn is just to practice. This thread reinforces my thoughts. In my few months of DRN...
A guy on a street bike, doing a stupid stunt without a helmet.
Also more cursing than most threads. Maybe Okie will change the name to SRN....for streetrider.net or Stupid rider.net.NOT!!
Like I said I'll go back to the enduro forum, woods riders are much smarter and safer.


Damn Yankees
May 14, 2000
Originally posted by woody51
I would like to say that it was a bad example for me to post a picture of myself doing a stoppie without a helmet.

It was'nt the posting that was stupid.
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