How to start your morning.


Jan 1, 2001
Now that I have calmed down some what let me tell you a little story. I was listening to KSEV talk radio while driving up 290 from Cypress to Waller this morning. I had my speed control set at 55 and was enjoying the radio program. A car sped by me. As it did, I noticed that it was a Harris County Sheriff's car. As soon as it was past me it slowed down quickly and waited for me to pass. It then pulled in behind me and it's lights started flashing. I pulled over, stopped, and retrieved my license and insurance card. As I sat I began wondering why I had been stopped. I thought that he might have stopped me to congratulate me. I must have been the first person that he had seen going 55. After all they had just changed the speed limit from 70 mph to 55 mph the previous evening. That wasn't the case. The officer came to my window, obviously mad, and asked me if I had any idea why he pulled me over. I answered politely that I had not. He asked for and took my drivers license and insurance card then went back to his car. At this point I tried to think what profile I fit. My truck has a current license and registration and just passed a safety inspection, I am a white male of Scotch Irish descent, over 50, have short hair, and am wearing business clothes. I sat wondering. He came back about 5 minutes later and again asked me if I had any idea why he pulled me over. I still hadn't. He then told me that it is a Class C Misdemeanor to make an obscene gesture at a Peace Officer. Still I sat in amazement as he handed me back my license and insurance card. He told me that he had hoped that I had an outstanding warrant and that he would have liked to run me in. He went back to his car and sped off. I sat for a while and then it hit me. I drive like lots of people in West Texas and New Mexico. I wedge the fingers of my left hand into the molding at the top of the window and rest my elbow on the ledge at the bottom of the window. It is comfortable and convenient. On a bright day you can block the sun from your eyes. Evidently as he sped by he must have thought that I was making an obscene gesture.
The moral of this story is: Be careful and make sure that you fold your hands neatly in your lap, out of sight, the next time you are about to be passed by a patrol car. You can never tell what a patrolman might think he saw if he can see your hands as he speeds by. I suppose
that the other Texas habit of raising a finger off the steering as a greeting to on coming cars may be called into question as well. All I can figure is that people are unhappy with the new 55 mph speed limit and are letting the cops know. Evidently one cop decided to take it out on me. I guess it is not all bad. During the extra time I am forced to spend on the road I can listen to talk radio.
Have a nice day watch where you put your hands.

Doug Wilson

Thought I would share this email my dad wrote.

Lee W.


Sep 15, 2000
LOL!!!! Oh man, that one got me laughing :) I wonder what ELK thinks of that one!!



Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
You know when I switched to day shift a few years back I kinda missed all them friendly folks that waved to me after bartime. They must have been so tired from doing repetitive 12 oz curls because they could only hold up one finger:eek: .
Never much bothered me tho:moon:
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