I got it "1991" KDX200, and all I can say is...


Aug 15, 2010

This thing would hands down, THRASH My XL600R! Light, Nimble, easy to break, turn, jump, start, etc...

I am so used to starting that 4-stroke pig, I kick the **** out of this one, every time.

It will need little things, like a new drain plug(or gasket), tires, and a rear fender, but other than that, it is the BEST $650 I have ever spent!

I live in the sticks, and had to dump some Shindaiwa oil in it, and it STILL runs on.

I wish I had a question(and sure I will) but right now, I am here to brag!

Buddy of mine wants to come over tonight with his CR 250, and show me how it supposed to be done, so we'll see.

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